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Meet our character of the week, Odus!

QueenMia Posts: 12,972
edited November 2018 in Candy Friends Stories
That you are new to the sweet world of Candy Crush Saga or not, it's always nice to discover things on our favourite characters. This week, we celebrate our old-not-so-old night-owl, Odus!

About Odus

Odus the Owl is old and wise. Well, he’s old anyway. Unfortunately, he's lost his spectacles and can't read a word without them. To make up for this, he relies on his dubious memory to dispense questionable advice.

Odus' Powers 

Your feathery friend Odus can create not one, but two special Striped Candies at once! Match 8 purple Candies, and he’ll spawn both a vertical and a horizontal Striped Candy at random on the board. Talk about flying colors!

Odus' outfits

Odus likes put himself in other people's shoes, that's why you'll see him either in the skin of tough adventurer or tropical bird. 

Exclusive interview!

We met Odus last night and asked him a few questions:

. If you were on a desert island and could have 3 things with you, what would it be? He said: my spectacles, my great memory (well, this never leaves me) and my tropical bird outfit to fit in the landscape!

. How old are you? He said: Haha, I never share my age, I'm too old for that!

. What's your favourite candy? The blueberry ones.

That was it for Odus  
To find out more about his outfit and see his power in action, click here.

And you, what question would you like to ask Odus?

Happy crushing everyone!


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    I am guessing the above picture of Odus is his "Tropical version".  I have not unlocked it yet...long way to go :?

    If I may say he looks very cute in this outfit :))

  • Veeresh
    Veeresh Posts: 465
    Odus is too wise and must have travelled around the world. ......I would like to know his favourite destination. ......
  • Sukanta_Biswas
    Sukanta_Biswas Posts: 24,928
    edited November 2018
    odus,i like you from first day when i first download candy crush saga. you leave me 6 years ago and you destroyed my 700 levels from your site, but this time promise me you not leave me again  :)
  • Crazy57
    Crazy57 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Odus... Do u have a girlfriend? 
  • Joseph45
    Joseph45 Posts: 1,582
    Odus, you rock!
  • Odus is so cool and so vintage at the same time 😁
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,929
    I would like to ask 'tropical' Odus what his favorite tropical location is and why?
  • Great Information!

  • nikpen
    nikpen Posts: 131

    Ugh hate to say it but I'm not a huge Odus fan. I'd like to ask Ifus if he could be a bit faster...?? Sorry buddy but u slow the game down as there's a delay when u use ur powers. I'm a Yeti gal, I just love him lol I wish u luck Odus&hope we can build our friendship as I think we'll always see a lot of each other 😉😉

  • Spruski
    Spruski Posts: 121

    I want to know what his favorite costume is!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?