Once upon a time, in the Kingdom...
New to the Community? If you don't have an account, register here in just 2 seconds! 🌟 🍭🌟 Ever wondered about the Kingdom's secrets? Want to know more? You came to the right place! Find out below all you ever wanted to know 😄 Meet the legendary Candy Crush Friends characters and find out fun acts about each of them! * Meet…
The Red Rabbit Who Became Superhero
The Red Rabbit Who Became Superhero! He was a little children's toy that moves with a spring... It is in the shape of a small red rabbit & he lived in the Toys Town... Everyone called him "The Red Rabbit" ... He was full of vitality & energy... & he always runs fast... He was small, cheerful and very ambitious… He dreamed…
The brave Nutcracker & the evil of The Mouse King
Once upon a time, in a land of sugary wonders, there lived a tiny toy boy.... affectionately known as the Nutcracker. The Nutcracker's home was a magical kingdom made entirely of candy, where gumdrop trees bloomed with colorful flowers, and lollipop rivers flowed with sweet, sticky delight. The Nutcracker lived in a cozy…
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how to add friends
Analysis, Theories and facts about our favorite Candy Crush Characters - Kimmy
Hello everyone. Welcome to another amazing 'Analysis, Theories and facts about our favorite Candy Crush Characters' with me, the great Sofia1992. Let's start with this. All of us have played and continue to play Candy Crush Soda Saga. Except from the different background that CCSS gaves us, it also gave us and a different…
Let’s go out one more time Pg. 19 ☀️🏬🏢
The friends were walking on the city streets, admiring the gorgeous buildings around them. Today is their last day of their beach vacation and unfortunately, they have to leave the beach immediately due to the shark attack. Thank goodness that their friend is still alive and happy to live another day with them. ”That was…
Jellybean and friends short stories (Reposting this due to a glitch)
A new collection for my stories. Here are the first 8 stories I made Meet Tiffi — King Community ( Part 1 of 2. Tiffi finds herself in a magical realm. Will she find her way home?) Adventure begins (reposting this because of a glitch) — King Community (Part 2 of 2. Tiffi and her sister Kimmy explore the Candy Kingdom)…
Cheesy language
“In a small town located far, far, far away from the community, millions and billions of mice gather around, doing their own personal things. Every mice in this town work, work and work for many hours earning the highest pay since some worked as doctors, professors at universities, finance administrators, lawyers,…
📝 📚 A list of all stories I have written so far 📚 📝
Hello everyone! This is going to be a list I am going to be working on as I write more stories in the future. @Elsa will help me edit this list since I am not a Superstar yet. I am currently going over the list of ideas in my head for a future story. You all love reading my stories, so you can check them out again here! 1:…
Betty, Barney and Professor Alpha arrive
The community was filled with decorations: streamers, confetti balls, balloons, you name it! A huge gift box was brought into the room for Elsa, Eli and Jellybean to hide inside. “This is so exciting!” Jellybean exclaimed as she stepped into the box “Betty and her friends will be here any minute now,” Elsa said to Eli and…
Cheesy takeover
When Jellybean heard the girl’s voice, she turned on her lamp and screamed like she had seen a ghost. It was Betty, holding her book of short stories. ”W..W..What are you do..doing h..h..here?” Jellybean asked, practically stammering in fear. Betty placed the book down on the table and said that she accidentally threw her…