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How Much Money Is Enough for King?

Andrew_Endymion Posts: 44 Level 2
edited December 2018 in Discussions
Exactly how much money does this horrible company need to make before it will just release a game that remains fun and doesn't eventually devolve into a naked money grab by frustrating users into spending money? Level 581, level 601, level 607, etc. are all complete garbage and it only gets worse with each new array of levels. You just have to play them over and over and over and hope the game board falls just perfectly to allow you to pass. There is no strategy, nothing learned from attempt to attempt that is useful the next time, no knowledge acquired that is useful to the next try. It's just a waiting game with each failed attempt trying to tease you into paying for extra moves or that key booster that would allow you to pass but, oops, you don't have.

It's not fun; it's insulting.

You're just a bunch of [**Removed by CM - rude content**] for your most experienced users and that becomes obvious to anyone who plays your games long enough.

I only play out of spite; I've passed 99 percent of these levels with 3 stars, haven't spent a dime, and will never do so. I bet most people who played as long as I have are the exact same way. [**Removed by CM - insulting content**] 


  • TaniaSloan
    TaniaSloan Posts: 145 Level 3
    I normally do not get involved in behavior like this...but i must say this....if your hatred is as horrible as you expressed in your post..just stop playing the games.. I have 2 grandchildren ages 8 and 5 who act and speak with respect for others and could learn a thing or two from them. 1000's of games out there to download and play. Just uninstall king games its as simple as pushing a button. The rest of us can just enjoy our play and friendly community here....
  • firebombmarkus
    firebombmarkus Posts: 13,110 Sweet Legend
    Excellent point @TaniaSloan I tried to explain this today in one thread. It's not like somebody puts a pressure on you to pay. But they said I am a troll and a minion so I just ended the conversation politely. It doesn't even annoy me. I just put "Hehe" reaction on their comments because they really make me laugh. And you are right about your grandkids, they are more reasonable than certain "adults" 
  • TaniaSloan
    TaniaSloan Posts: 145 Level 3
  • Joseph45
    Joseph45 Posts: 1,582 Level 5
    I couldn’t agree more @TaniaSloan! It’s ok to have an opinion @Andrew_Endymion, but it is never acceptable to attack a company like this! If you have a personal complaint, you can bring it up with the King staff respectfully. I’m sorry, but the kind of behavior you just displayed is NOT something that is promoted here in the community, or should be anywhere😡
  • Aitch
    Aitch Posts: 140 Level 3
    Hmmmmmm-Much as I understand your frustration @Andrew_Endymion, I have to disagree with your manner of response. 
    There is no obligation put upon us to pay our way thru' those seemingly impossible boards. Whilst I accept that this need of yours to advance rapidly and be perfect-is your choice...I also choose to enjoy the challenge that the harder levels present. ''Friends" is a game, it's all about having fun...if it's really getting you this angry then maybe you need to review why you choose to play at all? 
    Being offensive is not going to win you any friends in this community  :open_mouth:
    We speak out of respect for a game that most of us love...You seem to speak from a place of hate  :3
    @TaniaSloan, @Joseph45 and @firebombmarkus Right with you guys, agree 100% xXx
  • TaniaSloan
    TaniaSloan Posts: 145 Level 3
  • Joseph45
    Joseph45 Posts: 1,582 Level 5
    edited December 2018
    Thank you @Aitch! Kindness and respect are what make life here in the community so sweet!
  • Veeresh
    Veeresh Posts: 465 Level 4
    Simple and perfect reply @TaniaSloan.
    Hello @Andrew_Endymion I fully agree with you with respect to the frustration a person comes across when they face a super hard level or if they are unable to get 3 stars in any level bcoz I too have the same feeling. I also would like to state that it is really uncharacteristic of you to express your anguish in this manner. In simple words "Take it or Leave it". You aren't a slave of King and hence you're bound to install and play any of their games. In fact I didn't have any problems with the levels mentioned by you and I have a 3 star in all of them. I got a single star on 597 and 600 on my 1st attempt and had to play 5 to 6 times to get the 3 stars. Like you I too have 3 stars in nearly all levels and I still keep going back to get the 3rd star. In every episode you will come across few levels that are tough and need lots of efforts to get through but it will be achieved eventually. For your information (from a FB group) there are 37 players who have cleared level 680 and 88 players have finished 620. Around the world there will be many more who are in the waiting room and everyone are fully aware that the levels will get tougher going ahead but still no one is grumbling. If all levels were a piece of cake than I don't think there is any fun at all. Our skill and patience is reqd for the tougher ones. The studio hasn't released any level that can't be cleared. You are a skilled and talented player than why all the fuss. You can accumulate your boosters and use them for the super hard levels. You can also participate in the quiz / events in this community and win gold bars. 
    Be calm bro and wish you a happy crushing.
  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,979 Community Manager

    Hi @Andrew_Endymion

    While I can understand your frustration, I cannot accept this language in the Community. It is ok to disagree but it is not to be rude. Your feedback is welcome, but please remain polite and respectful and have a look at our House Rules if needed. 

    All of our games are a blended mix of luck and skill and I can assure you that we never interfere with a player's board and that all levels can be passed without purchasing a single item. As you progress through the game, levels become more challenging and it may seem impossible at times but with a little luck and perseverance you'll get there. 

    If you are stuck on particular level you can always check one of our tutorials, ask here for some tips to other players, or simply take a break from the game as suggested above. 

    I hope this helps you feel a little better and I wish you a the sweetest weekend!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?