Hello @shazb, and welcome to the community! The friends that you see in your list (if you did not connect to Facebook) are poeple that the game assigns to you automatically.
Hi Joseph45 Thank you for responding. I am connected on Facebook though. It could be that I am ahead of my actual friends, but who are these guys?! Usually if I am ahead, it shows me alone. ..
Hy-de my name is Naénie. I am new to candy crush with friends and this forum..please add me so we can exchange lives and any helpful suggestion would be greatly appreciated❣ Thanks in Advance. Naenie73
Hell @shazb! The other friends that you see besides your Facebook friends are what the game calls “Kingdom friends.” These are the friends that King assigns to you automatically when you start playing (this list is subject to change, as new players join and/or players quit). If you see no one else in your leaderboard when you complete a level, it means that you passed them all up! I hope this was of help! Have a wonderful evening (it’s currently in the evening where I’m at).