Hello, i just beat lvl 1000 and unfortunately, im honestly starting to be tiredby the same design and characters. I tought that after completing that level that things would change, like new challenges or interesting rewards. After lvl 1000 i tought that it would be interesting to have a new incentive to reach new levels with a different design or game mechanics ( like the the purple jam) maybe if you introduced new characters like Bubblegum Troll (which appeared for a brief time) it would motivate us to keep reaching new levels.
Hoping to read your feedback and thank you for your time !
I agree too that there should be another way to earn gold bars. Maybe reaching a certain amount of points to earn a gold bar . A like playing with yeti. He comes handy a lot. I like the quests where you have to get a certain number of special moves. I get those pretty fast and get stickers for the characters faster. I don't play every day but I play for a couple hours sometimes when I get the chance to play. I like when I get unlimited time I end up playing more to reach the quest goals faster too. I don't like the fact that you can't get gold bars as your prize for completing the quests That would be a nice incentive to keep playing as well.
Why can't we share gold bars between games?! Been stuck in level 816 CC Friends but can't seem to have enough moves, only gives u one cookie at a time! Not fair, not even with boaters!
It would be more fun if after you passed a hard level you would get a bonus like extra 5 lives, or a game booster that would let you choose when to use it even if you were already in the middle of a game. Also, if you would actually be able to send and receive lives!
This game needs a smaller games like daily or weekly memorycard games. It could be simple and after the main memory card game there should be possibility to double your winning so you might lose it all if you're creedy enough.
Other thing that comes to my mind is a special finds that you can collect each level !f you can. If you can collect example Three in a row you win 1 gold bar. If you can collect five in a row you win 3 gold bars and so on the maximum winning should be like 20 gold bars but it should not be too easy to get it but still not impossible!
I love Candy π¬ Crush games but in Candy Crush friends there should be a possibility to invite your friends to play that a you can send lifes and maybe even gold bars if you want.