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I did not get Rachel

dstanton0401 Posts: 2 Newbie
edited October 2019 in Support
I never get any of the promotional characters how do I get Rachael?


  • SeraphicStar
    SeraphicStar Posts: 4,536 Legend
    Hello there @dstanton0401 I wish you welcome to our beloved Candy Crush Friends Community! :chuffed:

    I'm  sorry you're having issues with the Rachel the Raccoon event in your game :(

    BUT, I'm going to do my best to help you resolve this issue if I can! :hurrah:

    I must ask if you checked to make sure if your game has the latest version updated 🤔

    Another thing you can do is clear your games Cache (please let me know the device you use to play the game so that I can provide you with accurate information! ;) )

    Let me know if these help you with your issue by responding in the comment box below! :3

    ~ SeraphicStar
  • julianGoro
    julianGoro Posts: 1 Newbie
    Hola ... nivel 3 de rachel es muy dificil 2 dias llevo con ese nivel
  • dstanton0401
    dstanton0401 Posts: 2 Newbie
    I am playing on my iPhone XR. I always make sure it is up to date and I don’t know how to clear that what you was talking about
  • bootycrushers
    bootycrushers Posts: 2 Newbie
    Does the new update erase your level in the regular story mode? I didn’t even know Rachel was an event, I thought she was a new permanent character -_-

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