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  • BQN537
    BQN537 Posts: 25,891
    Thank you 🙏 @QueenMia that’s very sweet 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
  • suttisak
    suttisak Posts: 10

    Level 2

    edited November 2019

    (EDIT: Unsupported Language)
  • Jasmina42
    Jasmina42 Posts: 44

    Level 3

    I became game expert & from yesterday I am CLASSMATE. But I have one BIG question: why don’t write belowe my name that “titule”??? I ask that a few times, but there is no answer...PLEASE....ANYONE....🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
  • Nat09
    Nat09 Posts: 12,561
    Hi @Jasmina42, my name is Nathalie and I play from Canada, welcome to our community, it’s nice to have you here. When you become a game expert it will be written under your name and you will also receive a badge. I’ve checked your collection of badges and I don’t see any for game expert yet, but please continue helping other players and participate in the community and I’m positive you’ll get there. In the meantime you will continue getting stars up to 5 then become a Legend like I am, so don’t give up.🥰
  • SupremeK
    SupremeK Posts: 9

    Level 1

    edited January 2020
    QueenMia said:
    Hi guys,

    Great questions :)

    Game Expert is more of a recognition for players who give a hand to us, CMs and Superstars, and most importantly to other players on the Community. We want to give a little something back to those members who are always helpful and bring a great vibe around here.  

    It is different than Superstars as there is no extra perks, such as meeting with the Studios nor getting behind the scenes information. But it is a good first step on the way to the Superstars Team 😊

    There is no specific guidelines to follow, except be active and helping others on the Community! 

    I hope that helps clarify a little!

    Have a lovely time 🍒
    Hi from Ky, I think this is awesome! Its really about the community of game players and showing appreciation, giving back. This compels others to play and give back. Great concept. I’m in 100%. Thx

  • Jasmina
    Jasmina Posts: 1,206
    Nat09 said:
    Hi @Jasmina42, my name is Nathalie and I play from Canada, welcome to our community, it’s nice to have you here. When you become a game expert it will be written under your name and you will also receive a badge. I’ve checked your collection of badges and I don’t see any for game expert yet, but please continue helping other players and participate in the community and I’m positive you’ll get there. In the meantime you will continue getting stars up to 5 then become a Legend like I am, so don’t give up.🥰
    Hi, Natalie! I read your messenger right now & I decide to explain my problem about everything in this fabolus game. When I started to play this game I didn’t know anything about King Community. I played only the game & I been so happy playing, like a child!🥰😊😜 My first connection with community sucked. I didn’t know anything ( that I musted SIGN IN....). When I answered some strange people about some details, I been so happy to help them! 😂
    Strange feeling, but I been sooo happy!!! My problem is that, when I had, in the end I musted wrote my “name”; & I wrote MAKAMAKA1 ( that been my 1.profile). I didn’t know that was important ( for badges, titules, gold bars...). 2.time I forgot my “profile name”, because I didn’t opened community disscusions, didn’t readed any news & I didn’t helped anyone for a some time. Because of that I wrote my 2. profile: Jasmina42! On that profile I earned the most badges, likes...& there( on Jasmina42) I earned titule GAME EXPERT, but didn’t wrote that below my profile name. I was worried immediately but I thinked that titule will write later; but nothing! Not much time has passed, &  I got titule CLASSMATE ( also on 2.profile: Jasmina42!!!). And that was the same thing like before, with game expert. I was soooo sad! 😢😭
    After some time I had so many other work and didn’t had many time to play my favorit game... and when I started again playing, the community( or some of community people) name me: Jasmina ( & that’s my 3.profile name!!!😱😱🤔🤔🤭😵😬). My original name is Jasmina, but NOW I HAVE 3 PROFILES AND UNFORTUNATELY ON 3., THE LAST MY PROFILE - Jasmina, I HAVE AT LEAST OF ANY BADGES & EVERYTHING ELSE !!!
    I had to start all over again, 😤😠😡 for the 3rd time!!!! I was crazy because of that.
    So... I wrote to @QueenMia and to some other players; I’ll be so happy when the community could unite all 3 my unfortunately profiles !!!
    I wrote to all community for few times, back 3-6 month! But... I didn’t get any answer, from NO ONE !!!!!! 😭😭😭
    I never don’t give up of that, because sometimes I waist more time on community helping other people and reading problems & thinking how can I help them. SO... PLEASE, REALY PLEASE!!!! HELP ME TO UNIT MY 3 PROFILES, SOMEHOW... I’ ll be the most happiness person of the whole world! PLEASE, check all my 3 profiles & make sure I’m telling the truth. 

       Best regards & good luck in our the 
    best game on the earth!

      P.S. I didn’t get Jelly Queen     competition yet !!! I don’t know why??? Could they check me out, PLEEEAAAASSSSEEEE!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋🥰👍🙏🙏🙏

                Best wishes!

       From: MAKAMAKA1; Jasmina42 &
                    Jasmina, of course! 👊👍👋👋👋
  • Nat09
    Nat09 Posts: 12,561
    Just read your message, let me get some info on that and I’ll get back to you, I promise to get an answer for you.😊
  • Nat09
    Nat09 Posts: 12,561
    Hi  @Jasmina, I looked in to your other profile and it has the same badges as this one and I also checked in the game expert corner and if you would have been promoted to game expert, you would have been introduced there, your name doesn’t appear there. When you are chosen game expert, QueenMia will send you a private message. Combining all your accounts wouldn’t bring anything extra since you have the same badges in both, I would recommend continuing with @Jasmina, don’t open a new one, to continue getting points and badges, you will continue getting stars under your name until you become a legend and game expert. Keep helping, play games, enter contest ( to win gold bars) it will help you get more points but mostly have fun and enjoy good company, hope this was helpful, Nat.🥰
  • Jasmina
    Jasmina Posts: 1,206
    Nat09 said:
    Hi  @Jasmina, I looked in to your other profile and it has the same badges as this one and I also checked in the game expert corner and if you would have been promoted to game expert, you would have been introduced there, your name doesn’t appear there. When you are chosen game expert, QueenMia will send you a private message. Combining all your accounts wouldn’t bring anything extra since you have the same badges in both, I would recommend continuing with @Jasmina, don’t open a new one, to continue getting points and badges, you will continue getting stars under your name until you become a legend and game expert. Keep helping, play games, enter contest ( to win gold bars) it will help you get more points but mostly have fun and enjoy good company, hope this was helpful, Nat.🥰
    Hi, Natali! Ok, that’s it, I supose. I playing all the time, and I will try to do my best! Now I have a one more(new😊) problem. I don’t have the NEW competition with QUEEN JELLY! I don’t know what’s happening because I always checking everything about updating the game, begining new contests( especially if there a NEW caracter!!!)... I been so happy to “grab” a NEW caracter; & QUEEN JELLY is pretty cool. But... I don’t have that!!! I don’t know; the commpetition last till 5th February, but some of my friends told me that the fight is easy from start and every other level is harder & harder, till veeery hard. Normaly, that’s the game! 😉😜

       So Tnx 4 everything!

           Keep playing the game & sleep
    tight !!!



  • Nat09
    Nat09 Posts: 12,561
    Hi @Jasmina, unfortunately not everyone gets the event, player’s are picked randomly. I’m sure you will get to participate in the next one. 🙏🏻 Some events also comes back for those who didn’t get a chance before. 🥰

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