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The last 2 places I've completed, I have not received my big box prize when I go through the wormhol

alynnno Posts: 13 Level 2

The last two places I have completed, I have not received my big box prizes before going down the wormhole.

Best Answer

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 35,384 Candy Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello dear @alynnno Hope you are having a great day 🤗

    Our Friends game Community In-charge was looking at the issue. I will follow up with them and get back to you tomorrow. Since they are located overseas, they are already off from the work now.

    And with regards to the "graphics glitch" -- do not worry about it. It's something that has popped up in Android devices with the latest update. I also use my Android phone (sometimes) and it has the same issue too, along with few other players I know. But, that is only on the map screen. Once, we go into level, there are no issues. I hope it is the same for you too.



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