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Level 3


  • Ummmm, is this aimed at me? Are you name calling now? Its not skepticism when the facts are right there in front of your face. Yes, I AM dissatisfied with VICTIM BLAMING. There should be NO PLACE for it anywhere, forums or customer service. it is VERY SAD that moderators are resorting to this negative behaviour in what is…
  • Again, here we go with the victim blaming, from none other than a mod. Disappointing. The tech support has an option for “feedback and suggestions “ , at the time I reported the offensive name, it was so offensive I would not want to screenshot it to be seen in the forums. These kind of things are best dealt with…
  • I’m pretty sure the role of customer service is to provide customer service 🤷🏼‍♀️ Had I asked something that wasn’t their job, wouldn’t the appropriate response be to direct me to where I could get the help requested? Not to name call, ridicule, gaslight, victim blame and threaten me?
  • This is EXACTLY what I’m talking about. i love the emojis when used in a friendly way between players. Why should we not be able to communicate in a friendly manner just because there are players out there who are nasty? Why not take away the “nasty fuel” (ie. laughing emoji) rather than making it the friendly players…
  • Nothing will be done, I once reported an offensive name, the customer service representative mocked, ridiculed and told me I was too sensitive. This game is designed by people who want to create a negative space = how many people have asked for the laugh emoji to be removed since it is only ever used negatively? Customer…
  • Haha, you have to laugh. Apparently now screen shots are not acceptable and we need to screen record every time we play.
  • Definitely not a one sided opinion lol. Have you read these forums? How many other games do you play where you have to constantly take screen shots or screen record to prove the well known deceitful practices of the game? The customer support staff actually request this of you! Read that again THE CUSTOMER SUPPORT STAFF…
  • @jk41664 Yes, your comment and likely yourself will be removed from the forum. What more would you expect? The forum is apparently only for praising the game. Think long and hard about the game designers ………. take for example, the thousands of players asking for the laughing emoji to be removed. I have only ever seen this…
  • hi Nik clearly you are playing a lot more than most of us any more. I have tried your quit and re enter strategy many times to no avail. I don’t keep trying more than once anymore, I can waste my time on more fun things now. As I mentioned earlier, my losses are usually due to unrealistic candy falling from the top for the…
  • I agree with you dc2015. I think players have given up posting as there really is no point. I don’t understand why these forums exist. Players suggestions are ignored - or they do the opposite. The game has gone so far downhill that most players have found something fun to play instead. This used to be my favourite game…

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?