🎈 Which Jelly Queen? 🎈
Hi Jelly Family 😃 Jelly Queen is a favourite for many! So let's have a little fun with a quick poll! 🎈🎉 From the 2 Jelly Queen's pictured below, which one do you like better? You can even tell us why! Our delightful Jelly Queen or our Spring Queen? Jelly Queen Spring Queen
Here we are…
A new Jelly world reached! 721-780
✨ Let's talk Gaming - Part 5 Special Candies ✨
✨ G'Day Jelly Crew!! ✨ ✨ Let's talk Gaming - Part 5 Special Candies ✨ Have you heard this term thrown about and not sure what it means and would like a heads up? 🤔 So what are Special Candies and how do you get them? 😀 How do they help with Game Play? 🤨 Let's talk Special Candies Swimming Fish The cute as, Swimming Fish!…
👨💻 The Studio Answers: Q&A with our developer eliodeb- Part 2!
Want to participate? Register here in just 2 seconds! "It's an amazing feeling when we release something new in the game and people enjoy it" (@eliodeb , Candy Crush Jelly Saga developer) If you had fun reading part 1 of the amazing interview with @eliodeb, get ready for a second part with more insightful answers, straight…
New Effect of Lollipops
Have you received this new effect yet?
Prepare to keep hitting the "Quit button" on Level 4697
Can you please tell me why the fish won't help at this level? On the second part, it goes everywhere but where needed. I can't tell you how many times I have hit the quit button! It so frustrating and dishearten! Not fun to play at all.
I did it!
I finished level 700! My score for level 700! I reached episode 36 and level 701!!!!!!! I did it! Yes! Finally!!!!!
✨ Let's talk Gaming - Part 1 Logistics ✨
✨ G'Day Jelly Crew!! 🤩😎 ✨ ✨ Let's talk Gaming - Part 1 Logistics ✨ So the boring and maybe for some, hard stuff first! All the logistics to consider before we all start grumbling about everything that can and will go wrong with games across multiple platforms and all the issues that go with it! The things to consider…
✨ Let's talk Gaming - Part 3 Boosters ✨
✨ G'Day Jelly Crew!! 😀😎 ✨ 🎈 ✨ Let's talk Gaming - Part 3 Boosters ✨ 🎈 You gotta love Boosters yeah! The goodies we're given to combat the Blockers! Ahhh! Such sweet rewards along the way, as you play and collect!. Gotta love the Chest :0) Don't waste them though, they can work magic, just when you need it! What are they…
🌺 Contests Poll 3 🌺
No Account yet? Sign up here in just a few minutes 🌺 Contests Poll 3 🌺 Hi Jellies, Over last few weeks and next couple of weeks, we've been trying out a few different competitions for you guyz! It's been fun creating new things and following along with how you all have done with them 🥰 Let us know your vote from the list…