Having trouble
Why is it doing this it's been all day like this
Feedback post deleted?
What is going on? @Minatozaki will you make a new one.
Would anyone like to learn how to animate?
This is going to be an experiment to see how well it works. As most of you already know, I have been creating animations of our characters for the last couple of years and have succeeded in teaching and mentoring others who wanted to learn. Now I'd like to take this a step further and offer it into a game area. Would you…
Anniversary Badge
I was just going through my badges. I noticed I have the one, two, and three year anniversary badges. Do these badges consider how long you've been playing the game, if so I am missing a few. I have been playing CCJS since its release on Jan. 6, 2016. Any help from the community would be appreciated. Thank You😊
Please help with lives
Reached level 6000
Looking for my badge
I'm new
Hi my name is Sally I'm 34 and I really like playing candy crush jelly
How do you make friends on jelly
@NatalieG @Nikolaos_Prodromidis @Nadia1770 It's such a shame that after all these years of RC running that the serial blockers have still not developed any skills. Played a few games yesterday as my favourite arena was running. The blocking as usual was phenomenal. I am sure they think if they don't use them, they will be…
My hideos profile picure
my orifile picture is this * he keeps starig into my soul i canno t stop it me looks like he * i hate him so mu h and i cannot change him he ljust sits there on my screen and stares at me, i am losing sleepo over thos, my wife says i need to stop complaing wbout it or she will leae and take the kids, i cant let gher go but…