Invisible player?
Ok I just have a look at "Highscore" and I see the player name "atharva" (red circle). But... when I scroll the map, I can't see him (or her, or someone). Could any game staff explain this? ***IT MAKES ME VERY CURIOUS***
Game over (1 additional move) Facebook
Wait! Is this real?
help! I keep getting this message
help! I keep getting this message for 3 days now! "you have experienced an error that we are working hard to fix" I am using google chrome and I have cleared cache
Level 4430
Is it too unfair? Too small board. Even three candy colors are not strong to clear thick blockers.
Color Bomb Lightning
Does anyone get the new lightning of color bomb? I think it is much sharper than the original, even it is too similar to the Candy Crush Saga. NEW OLD
Where is the booster I won?
This morning, my results from Jelly Vs. listed me in 9th place with a free booster and two hours of play. The booster never populated, and I did not get any extra time of play. This game seems to glitch a lot.
How to change username?
To whom it may concern, I always thought my username name was ch33s3L0v3r 1 cuz that's what I put but, it's not it's my name... How do I change it?
Level 4418
It's too tricky. How could we spread the jelly when it is isolated with thick blockers? (No using booster recommendation.)
The game hasn't loaded successfully for me on Gameroom or FB for over a week...what's going on?
I have followed all the troubleshooting steps that were already posted on the forum, but no go. The game shows start up, goes black for a few seconds, then comes back with you're experiencing a problem we're working hard to fix" etc. Tried different devices, different browsers, cleared cache, even deleted the game from…
I won my last game, bringing me to 4 out of five. Before my next game even started , YOU disconnected me (even though I’m sitting right next to my internet modem and have the strongest signal possible). When I got back into the game, it told me I lost the NEXT game! What? And while I’m on the subject, at least 3 times,…