I got robbed AGAIN in Fishing with Friends!
Please, is there a way to fix this glitch?? With almost every single fishing challenge over the past couple months, I’m put on a team, earn a bunch of fish, and then get put on a new team, with my fish set back to 0, the next time I go back to play! This can happen over and over during the few days of the challenge. Today,…
rheajane cannot get passed level 160. There are never enough orange to start with. But even when the
I have tried for almost a week. I utilize the ink candies by turning blue to another color then changing other colors so that mine stand out. Even this doesn't work. It seems if you get a ton in one move, like inking and you're getting a ton, it's just counts for one monkler. I use blocks but I try not to use up turns.…
cc jelly
I have beaten level 2229 4 times using several boosts and it freezes when complete. I read it was fixed and tried again but still freezing
My highest levels reseted back to level one
I'm trying to get back to the highest levels of candy jelly crush saga level and candy soda crush saga it went back to level one.
Candy Crush Jelly Saga
I am stuck on ;level 2224 in the Jelly saga. Has anyone beat this level? There does not seem to be a way to get through. I am not going to waste anymore time if no one else has passed it. I've been on it for over a week.
I was one move away from completing level 1819, and the screen froze. 😣 The only thing I was allowed
I was one move away from completing level 1819, and the screen froze. 😣 The only thing I was allowed to do is end/restart the game.
Why do I get store unavailable when I try to buy gold bars
I have been on level 1774 for nearly two weeks and a couple times I have needed gold bars but get message that store is unavailable
Game frozen mid game
Hi. My game has frozen mid game and I don’t want to lose my boosters. Please can I get some help? Thank you.
I can't pass level 188 I have only 12 moves how can I get more moves.
I can't pass level 188 in Candy Crush Saga I have only 12 moves how can I get more moves?
Level stuck
I have beaten level 2229 several times and it freezes. You can’t do anything. I got it where I beat with the last turn and it acts like there’s still more moves when there’s not. Please fix asap