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For some reason candy crush jelly stopped loading on my iMac.
For several days now when I click to start the game on Facebook it almost loads and then says there is an error and "they" are working to quickly fix it. Please help! My ID is 1340802136.
My candy crush jelly keeps sticking
i play till about half way through the game then it sticks. Just keep losing lives all the time. So annoying. Hope you can help
Candy crush jelly on Facebook Gameroom
wont load. Gets caught in a loop and eats up memory
Problema Técnico
Desde ontem, 12/06/2019, não consigo entrar no jogo aqui no Facebook, só consigo jogar no celular, até quando isto vai acontecer? Já perdi o meu bônus de ontem, e provavelmente vou perder o de hoje também? Como ficará essa situação? Quando o jogo voltar a funcionar eu vou ter que pagar para poder ter o bônus correto ou vou…
Candy Jelly
Hello! Have a question: Could possibly the game Candy Jelly be configured? I play on blue stacks. Because I could never participate in these competitions. Would be nice.
Sending and receiving lives
I can't ask for lives and receiving them won't let me tap on the ask or send. @Xarly
Lost Game
Ive been playing for years. Not sure if I was ever registered or how I was connected to the game Jelly Crush. I believe it was through Facebook for which I have two accounts. I went to connect with friends and it took me my second Facebook account and put me at level one in the game!! How do I get back to where I was under…
I lost my game progress
I've been through the 1380s, and when I wanted to save the stage by connecting to Facebook, I went from the first stage. It will not return to the 1380 stage. What should I do?
Level 2229 issue
all jelly spreaded then game freeze