The Royal Championship

The Royal Championship

πŸ₯‡First positions in the Royal Championship? Share your screenshot and collect your badge!

How Hard Is It For You To Keep A Streak?



  • I started playing yesterday, but several hours after event's beginning!

    Using my first 5 tickets, plus 1 won in the first chest, I was stuck in brown level in third position just 1 point behind the first two players!

    Today morning (East Europe Time Zone) I experimented a little: used pink lollipop + wrapped hammer on all matches and pink + striped hammer on chest matches!

    Voila!! 7 win streak and "escaped brown and blue level at once! Lost only 2 matches playing totally 10 matches!

    My opponents had various advantages:

    • Coloring candy next to fish
    • Two times coloring candy
    • Wrapped + striped candy ( in 2 matches)

    I had 2 times colorbomb from nowhere and 1 time coloring candy from nowhere! 😎

  • Posts: 6,353
    edited May 2022

    Hi again!

    I continue experimenting using more boosters!

    The result:

    So lets go to the peacock!!

    .....unfortunately they stopped me!

    After 14 matches on Arenas 2 and 5, one match on Arena 11 was enough to make me loose!

    Regardless the fact that I had a striped hammer, the cascading candies were one sided by my opponent! Cages were filling very fast!

    I don't know if there is enough time to try again for the peacock! But my experiment's result is that a player can have a long streak playing with powerful boosters, only if has suitable Arenas for his/hers style of playing!

    Sorry, but Arena 11, also 14 and 15, are not my style ...and they will never be! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Ž

  • Posts: 6,353
    edited May 2022

    Finally reached peacock level!!!


    Boosters was a key feature for this! I also used gold bars one time on last level, otherwise could be impossible!

    However it is amazing how the "algorithm" tries to stop you, when you have a good streak or you reach certain levels, regardless the powerful weapons you have! 😎😎

  • Posts: 628




    🎢 🎡 🎢 🎡

    Loving it!!!

    I truly know what you mean by the algorithms against you ( and the farmer). It seems like every time you try to have any kind of streak BAM!

  • Posts: 628


    Speaking of a streak

    Game was over, started to spin, "something went wrong" pops up then here comes "You've broken your streak". Had cleared my cache just before playing this third game so I know it wasn't anything to do with that. Very, very frustrating!!

  • New streak record:



  • Peacock level again, but because of Arena 3, long streaks are not possible!

    Some opponents get colorbombs or striped + wrapped candy side by side ( I actually get this very rarely) and stop streak!

    Thankfully there are still many hours to proceed further! πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

  • Posts: 628


    Congratulations!!! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ I am amazed at that win streak! When I "grow up" I want to be just like you and have that kind of win streak!!! You are awesome!!! Did you enter Royal Championship on the first day? You usually don't, so I was just wondering.

  • Posts: 6,353
    edited May 2022

    You are right, I entered on the first day! My goal is now different: peacock level, so entering on 1st day is a "must"!! 😎

    However, entering peacock, I cannot keep a streak more than 2, 3. The longest was this:

    I tried 4,5 times but always they stopped me, regardless if I had striped + wrapped hammers!

    I continue now with pink lollipop + cage, because I don't want to spend more boosters! I am far 1st into my leaderboard! πŸ‘πŸ˜

    As a matter of fact, I have not the time to try for more! πŸ˜‰

    A strange statistic: on this event I started 90% second! I lost more than 10 times just because of this!

    Arena 14 was far better than expected!

    Arena 3 was difficult, regardless of boosters' selection!

    Arena 10 was generally predictable, but I had 3 losses because of opponent's extremely luck! This is one of the well known facts on this Arena, so it was not a surprise!

    General conclusion is that if a player wants to proceed further in peacock levels, 24 hrs unlimited and lots of boostets is a must!

    UPDATE: I finally finished 2nd, which is good, because I am going to get the 2nd position badge!!! πŸ₯ˆ

  • Posts: 628


    Don't I ever know what you mean!!! Even though I am first on my leaderboard today, I have just now passed the blue level!! This is insane!!! I have been playing since about 8:30 this morning, and now it's almost 7 pm. And to top it all off, I have been using double hammers, not the two most powerful hammers together, it's been either the striped and pink lollipop or the wrapped and pink lollipop. Yet, I am just clearing the blue level. I have used quite a few gold bars to purchase those hammers, always said I would use gold bars to purchase boosters but not to keep a streak. Besides, it wouldn't have made a difference to use gold bars to keep a streak because I lost the next game anyway. This is why it never made sense to me to use gold bars to keep a streak.

    I will keep in mind your strategy, you truly are more experienced in playing Royal Championship than I am and I try to often look back at the hints, tips and tricks of the different Arenas.

    As for me I have all three of the new badges for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. It was hard for me to hold back to get them though. It's hard to adjust your play. You wait too long and you'll be out of the competition or you're playing non stop to try and catch up. But I am glad I have all three.

    Happy Royal Championship to you!!!πŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏ


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