Cannot connect to Facebook
My app suddenly lost sync with Facebook. When i try to reconnect it says it is unable to reach Facebook. Is anyone else having this issue?
The Downside To Timed Sugar Drops: You Have To Claim It As Soon As You Get It
I reached the Ultimate Sugar Drops Level of 180/180 after playing Level 4390. I was about to Claim the Rewards of 15 Minutes of Striped & Wrapped Candies, 15 Minutes of Fish,15 Minutes of Mystery Candies and 15 Minutes of Coconut Wheels. I had to answer the phone so I left it Unclaimed. Oh phooey, whether you claim these…
Change to the pre-game 'Compact Leaderboard'
If you're familiar with seeing your connected friends and their scores before playing a level, you might notice a slight change... Before beginning a level in Candy Crush Saga, a pop-up page will appear showing a few useful facts before you play. These include: * The level number * The level target/score * Your progress…
Why did you take my hard earned boosters.
Ive. Spent months trying to build my booster supply came on today and all my work was for nothing. The saved lives were there but you just took my boosters. Way to loose players King. Why would I struggle to save up again when you juat take them from me.
(unsupported language) Publicidad
Hola quería saber cómo puedo hacer para ver publicidad durante el juego y recibir regalos
Does anybody else get aggravated with the drop down link about the scrolls when you start to play?
I get aggravated with the drop down link when I start to play. I cannot see some on the game with that in the way on Candy Crush Saga. It would be nice if they would stop it and if you want to look at it you can look at it on the side where the other links is like the trophy"s, spins and inventory.
I don’t get any videos for boosters
I have an iPhone X and get ZERO options of watching a video for boosters. My son has an IPhone 8 and he gets them, I play on an iPad with my daughters account and they appear there but absolutely nothing prompting me to view a video on my iPhone. I’ve dont all the tips, uninstall/reinstall. Describe candy rush from FB and…
Level 1008 is the hardest level I ever played
This happened since 2015, and I commit this level impossible to clear this level because of the two jellies on the very top with three-layered icing. It is extremely unreachable for the top four jellies and we need to nerf this level.
Respect for User Community
Does anyone else consider the frequent updates/changes in game play made by the developers without a word of documentation to be disrespectful to the game's user community. There is no telling what game you are going to play when you open a session. For a game that has seen 'billions of rounds', the came play and feature…
Tip for moves level
when candy bombs are present in the moves level ensure to remove them before they hit because such levels require you to use up all your moves even when you have already hit the required score..! like in the screenshot the candy bombs locked in a sugar chest container with 12 moves yet the total moves is 14.