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about the pot of gold event
why didn't this event start on march 17th?
Sunday Funday
It has dawned on me that the days I am so busy with work you guys have the candy sale for the extra hours and some really cool special candies. I would really like it if on a Sunday just one day you could have a sell after 2 o’clock. Thank you so much. Looking forward to it.
Bring back the Monkey!
On a fixed income I can't buy boosters. The tick.tack.toe board with the monkey, we could win a couple hammers or switches a day. Really helps keep a streak going. Must haves for black levels. Thanks.
Bring these events back to Facebook
I have not seen Season Pass or that one type of event where you use sweet potions to upgrade the town to save it from a Saltnado or Gummy Gardens or something like that. Also, I have yet to see Golden/Diamond path or even Telephone Tier events. Were these discontinued for players on FB? I miss them.
Why can we not use all the lives we have been gifted to only 20 a day?
IT would be nice to send goldbars to friends like lives.
Put back our ability to play in landscape mode!
Acessibilidade para daltônico
Poderiam colocar uma opção para pessoas daltônicas, pois quando os formatos dos doces são iguais, tipo das bombas, fica mais difícil de identificar as cores e também de passar dos níveis.
Por favor parar de colocar anuncio
nao Aguento mais joga e ter que fechar tantos anúncios e páginas e sem opção de fechar! Por favor cancelem isso !
When did you decide to make it about $$$$
Having played this for 12 years plus, I have can't believe you have lost your way in the top levels. 80% or so of these levels are IMPOSSIBLE unless you part with your cash!! It isn't fun anymore, it's soooooo boring!!!! I've finished the whole lot, and where I used to look forward to Wednesday at 13:00 for the new levels,…