Welcome to Tiffi's idea Library
Dear community, Welcome to his new are in our forum, the Tiff's idea Library. We are going to be gathering all the previous ideas that you shared with us in this new category so we can all have a better overview and check them out anytime we want. We will be moving the ideas that have been closed and previous ideas that…
More fun
Can you make players chat with them self in the candy crush game it will make it more fun and people will like to play it the more and also allow challenge for top players above 200
Weekly contest
Stop having new players to candy crush playing individuals on levels 17000’s. It is unfair
Talking to the friend's.
Get Rid of the ONLY allowed 20 lives per day
I spend lots of time sending lives and requesting lives from other players, if we have lifes to use, we should be able to use them! Limiting to only being able to use 20 extra lives in a 24 hour period is ridiclous, and Im sure will discourage people from playing at all. I have more lives that I cant use. It makes me want…
5+ moves
There should be a possibility to receive 5+ free moves from friends and store them as well as lives. And to use them later. Single use per level. @KingShuvo @PummyRaj
Visual warning when running out of moves
I've lost count of the number of times I have been focused on building combos, etc. and didn't notice I was running out of moves until the "out of moves" message came up. It would be great if there were some sort of visual cue that not many moves were left. For example, maybe the outline or background of the board turns…
Chat 💬
introduce chat to the game where friends or users can interact swiftly
Send Lives at the Same Time as Requesting
We should be able to send lives at the same time as requesting them through the ‘lives’ section. We currently have to click on each friend and ‘send and request’ individually. Why can’t this just be a simple tick box next the the ‘request lives’ in the lives section? I don’t like to just request, I like to send one as well…
Extra moves
if there are moves left over after passing a level, the left over moves should be put into a bank for use when someone needs 5 or less extra moves on another level instead of using the gold bars for 1 or 2 more moves. And the 5 extra move gold bar could be increased to 10 extra moves to start the extra moves count instead…
Stop forcing Candy Royale play
Bring back the option to opt out of this stupid side game instead of having to force shutdown the game after every completed level to get out of mandatory play. It’s maddening and ruins the game