Last level
What is the last level in Candy Crush Saga?
Lucky Dip
What are the lucky dip candies and how do you use them?
9863 level
How do you play to win this game?
How many people have reached level 9000?
Getting close to 5000 and just wondering how many have hit the 9000 level.
Level 6337 - not enough licorice drop
i’m used to having to play for days on some of these levels until the game decides to let me win. I’ve been playing this level for 4 days now. But this level has a major issue - not enough licorice drops during the game to win (unless you use extra lives). Now that you have only limited options to collect gold bars, the…
YOu need to post your questions in English, so we can understanding what your asking
gold bars
I'm not gettingI'm not getting my gold bars again.What's going on
The Level 9265 struggle is real.
"Nightmarishly Hard" doesn't even begin to describe this level. 128 jellies, 160 licorice swirls & 40 fish in only 16 moves. Seriously?? Please help.
Share gold bars
Share gold bars to friends on request to complete legendary levels , will help friends to pass difficult levels
Help on level 6997
I have been on level 6997 for d past 2weeks .. no free advert to help win boosters and jam on WiFi 24/7