Level 1963
I'm working on some older levels at the moment to keep my motivation up (and in eager anticipation for the PROPER sugar drops to come back and am struggling to boost my score on level 1963. Any tips? I seem to get jelly fish which finish the game for me before I get a decent score.
Spielstand löschen (Unsupported language)
Hallo habe bitte eine Frage wie kann ich meinen Spielstand löschen? Danke
Penny for your hints...
Give a girl a break... I've been stuck on this level so long I actually uninstalled the game for a while. Let me buy a hint somehow or a couple of moves. Maybe tokens that can be earned or purchased, tokens that can be traded in for hints or a few moves of advancement in the right direction.
Level 4190
it says I have 2 blocks left but it looks clear to me...help
Magic Mixers level 4372
I cannot figure out what the strategy is to destroy the magic mixers on this level. On other levels, I can set off a bomb in close proximity, but that's not possible with this level.I have been stuck for several days now and am frustrated. I want to know how many times a striped bomb can fly past it before it destroys it,…
Can't get past 295.
Level is stuck and won't open after several days. Ideas? Stop playing? :-)
Level 5538
Please check level 5538. There's is something wrong
tips for level 2387
Hi any tips for level 2387 plz it’s a nite mare
Any suggestions on how to pass level 3277. I’ve been stuck on it for days!!!! I’m trying to get a wrapped and striped together to set off the ufo things, but hasn’t been working.
Nivel diferente do aplicativo e no pc (Unsupported language)
bom dia eu gostaria de saber porque no app no celular estou no lv 1200 e no not estou no 900 como eu faço para o nivel ficar igual