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Witam Dlaczego nie pokazuja mi sie filmy z reklamami? Znajomi maja i dostaja bonusy za ogladanie reklam. Ja gram 3lata w ta gre jestem na ponad 3000 poziomie i nigdy nie mialam reklam. Dlatego ze kupuje zloto? Niesprawiedliwe :(
Level 5394 why almost doubling of points required?
My ipad and iphone require 200000 points but all online examples are less. It is such a boring level. Why the increase from 110000? this level hasn't been out a week. I tried to sign on with my Windows 10 computer to see if it required fewer points, but game hangs up and won't even start. 186000 is the best I've…
Need help to clear level 190
I am not understanding what needs to be done to clear the game on level 190?
Only 12 moves in level 552, its imposssible
12 moves isnt enough to fix 3 color bombs. Please let there be some more moves in level 552 Describe your question in more detail here (at least 40 characters please)
Stupid Bombs
i am having most difficult time to win my game bc of the bombs. It seems like they are faster. Is there a way to have the timer set for longer? These tricky little things make me loose my mind
3 stars in level 390 is impossible
Dear Candy Crush developers, I am first place in Level 390 with 255840 points and still only get 2 stars. Tried everything for weeks now to get 3 stars but it's impossible even when using all kinds of boosters and finishing the level with only very few rounds. PLEASE FIX THIS LEVEL BECAUSE IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO GET 3…
Who has created the level 2273 ? (edited by CM)
Hello everyone. I feel very upset about the programmers of the stupid level 2273. It's impossible to succeed it with or without bonuses. Playing is a pleasure but playing the same level 50 times is really a curse. This level is considered as difficult; no it's a nightmare. Please, if someone or a King programmer have a…
Number of moves for level 2270
All the help forums and videos show this level as having 22 moves, but I only get 18, whatever device I'm playing on... and it's impossible with 18 moves.
LEVEL 2345
I'm stucked.is it possible pass level Without any booster
Need help!!
on the candy crush opening screen, for minutes until next lives it says 4654.37 I have got no lives for a week now. and I cannot play the game. Who do I need to contact and how. Thanks.