How to solve level 9355
Have been playing for over 2 weeks and has taken almost all my bank of extra meds without receiving any more from any of my friends. thank you
Level 14872
Any tips for this level? You either have to have boosters upon boosters or gold to which I have none of either. All videos I've watched, there were a bunch of boosters on the board to start. Some videos even had more moves as well.
Level 14752
Level 14752 is IMPOSSIBLE! Is there any problem? I've been trying to pass it for days but I can't even get close! Please help! I'm losing the pleasure to play and I'm thinking of giving up.
Nightmarishly Hard Level 1875
I have been stuck on this level for too long. I watched YouTube videos already. Any suggestions @christinewupp @kiara_wael ?
Level 14893
Level 14893 not possible without extra moves or a lot of boosters. Some videos that I watched start off with 35 moves. Mine starts off with 25.
Level 14668
How is possible win this level?
Level 3822 is IMPOSSIBLE to win. Are you trying to make me quit
I’ve went through hundreds of extra lives plus all the boosters…over 25+ and paid over $25 dollars for more boosters and gold bars. This level is impossible. I’m ready to quit after nearly 10 years playing this game. Any help?
What levels have red candy
How can I know which levels have red candy?
I can't pass the level number 14794. Is there any problem?
I can't pass the level number 14794. I have already tried for more than 500 times. Is there any problem?
RE: [pyramidsolitairesaga-Mobile] (PyramidSolitaireSaga) (13650739)