Front line Recognition
Tonight at 8pm as we were out on the street applauding the staff of the uk NHS on the frontline, a bus drove by with 1 passenger on board. It really made me stop and think. Here's to all the unsung heroes. Bus drivers, store assistants, delivery drivers, anyone who faces public close up... You are putting yourselves on the…
Is there anyone active who wants to chat with me? If so plz message me...
Back to childhood
What was your favorite toy growing up?
Phonlawat Klayinn
Vote here to get the old map back
A big reason to why i even started to like candy crush was because of all the different and unique episodes there was. It was fun to explore new episodes and it motivated me to play to come to the next episode. When the update that makes the map just recycle like 10 episodes i got dissapointed. I understand that this…
Who wants me in their team
Hey, from Belgium level 2263 rank 89 i give lives
newbie to the discussion!
Hi everyone, I'm new to joining discussions online, but with what is going on with CoVid19 now, I wanted to try to reach out. I really enjoy Candy Crush Saga and have been trying to successfully pass levels but do seem to get stuck on some of the non-harder levels. But I keep trying until I am successful. Just wanted to…
Inspirational pictures 📷📷
Hi I hope that all of you are staying safe and healthy. I have started doing a lot of new things during quarantine. One of them is looking at pictures and then trying to draw them. Just to spark some inspiration and hope let's post our favorite or simply inspirational pictures.
Pray for the world
In this time of disease and distraction,. We should all take a moment to say a little prayer for the world we share..... This game is a wonderful passed time and escape from our problems for a while.... But it's just that ... An escape. We eventually have to return to reality ..... So make sure you have God .... The…
Stay safe everyone!
Everyone remain safe everything will be ok on a bit 🙏