Request lives from friends actively playing Candy Crush only.
A lot of my friends do not play Candy Crush and are tired of the requests for lives. Can you populate only the friends actively playing Candy Crush to receive the requests. Otherwise, I have to go through many friends to select the ones that don't mind being bothered.ย
My granddaughter is here!
She was born yesterday after a grueling labor. No name picked out yet. I probably won't be on the forum much for awhile, so thank you for the thoughts, prayers, and congratulations. @Elsa
Fun Facts about Candy Crush Saga
Do you wanna know more about Candy Crush? Then you've come to the right place. Know all the facts here and now.
Happy Mother's Day 2019 To All Of The Dedicated Mothers Out There
Jim Brickman singing a Mother's Day Song " A Mother's Love" featuring Mark Masri. To all you mothers out there, I wish you all a Magnificent Mother's Day Moment! https://youtu.be/E6rqX5orrWU
Language Appreciation Game: All About Candy Crush Saga in Foreign Languages
Rules You can comment about what you like and dislike about the game in a foreign language with English Translation below it so we all can understand and learn from it.
Hii, everyone Been playing CC saga for a long time now. Just joined the community. from,INDIA
Happy Easter ๐ฃ
To @Cezdiamond, all superstars, everyone on the studio and Candy Crush family I wish you all an egg-xcelent Easter ๐ฃย
ย =) =)
Just started here and wanted to say "Hi" to everyone!! Have a great day!! :awesome:
Do superstars have all the king games
My sister said that her friend is a superstar and he has all the king games I'm very confused about what she told me ๐ does anyone know what I should do๐