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My granddaughter is here!

Khaos Posts: 523
She was born yesterday after a grueling labor. No name picked out yet. I probably won't be on the forum much for awhile, so thank you for the thoughts, prayers, and congratulations. @Elsa


  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,927
    @Khaos - she is absolutely beautiful!  Congratulations!

    Kane Christopher Robin GIF - Kane ChristopherRobin HappyForYou GIFs
  • Joseph45
    Joseph45 Posts: 1,582
    She is a gorgeous baby @Khaos! Congratulations, and I wish you and your daughter the very best! 
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Congratulations @Khaos!  She is beautiful!  How much does she weigh?  Now I want to see a picture of you holding her!  Is she your first grandchild?  She is going to be spoiled rotten by you-know-who!  Thank you so very much for tagging me!
  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617

    Congratulations, Khaos! She is so adorable in pink! I always wanted a girl that I could dress up. Hopefully in years when my son marries and have kids.
  • Khaos
    Khaos Posts: 523
    Thank you @bearwithme, @Joseph45, @Elsa, @mercerik! Her name is Maddisyn Zoey and she was 7 lbs 3 ounces. She has an older sister, Melanie, and she is 3.

    I don't like pictures of myself!
  • firebombmarkus
    firebombmarkus Posts: 13,104
    Oh, I love babies, they are so peaceful 😍 My first job was actually in the hospital with babies and I loved it. Congratulations @Khaos May she be loved and blessed 😊
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Khaos said:
    Thank you @bearwithme, @Joseph45, @Elsa, @mercerik! Her name is Maddisyn Zoey and she was 7 lbs 3 ounces. She has an older sister, Melanie, and she is 3.

    I don't like pictures of myself!
    I love her name!  Of course she is going to have to spell it for everyone.  I love it spelled that way.  I din’t like Me in pictures either.
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,927
    @Khaos thank you for her info. What a beautiful name to go with such a gorgeous baby. I’m sure her big sister is very excited. Congratulations again to you and the rest of the family. I hope you all have an awesome Mother’s (and Grandmother’s) Day!
  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617
    Khaos said:
    Thank you @bearwithme, @Joseph45, @Elsa, @mercerik! Her name is Maddisyn Zoey and she was 7 lbs 3 ounces. She has an older sister, Melanie, and she is 3.

    I don't like pictures of myself!

    You are welcome, Khaos! You and your daughter have 2 important celebrations tomorrow: Mother's Day (for both of you) and new daughter (for your daughter) and granddaughter (for you). This should be a very exciting day for both of you and for Melanie welcoming her new sister, MZ.

    As for your granddaughter, I like her name. It is unique and fitting for a beautiful girl.

    Congratulations! Have a Wonderful Weekend to all of you!  

  • Jelly_Jenny
    Jelly_Jenny Posts: 1,884
    @Khaos I'm late to the party but wanted to drop by and say huge congratulations on an adorable grandchild :heart:

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