I’m stuck
I have being on level 2191 for days now, it’s proving difficult and I’m low on gold bars to help move me forward. Anybody that can help plesse?
My baby🌸
hu hu
Comprei 5 vidas e não recebi!
Eu comprei um pacote de 5 vidas e entre outras coisas e foi debitado no Pix e não recebi o pacote o que fazer?
Ads off
they got rid of the ads so u would have to buy something to clear the board
You just Rip people off
Bring back the ads. You got rid of them so people would have to buy more lives.
hi all im new, thought I’d say hi x
Missing option
Hello On my friend's phone at the end of a game there is an option to watch an advertisement and win more steps. Why i dont have this?
This game is unfair
I am stuck on level 1697 for DAYS. I am not receiving the bonus add on 2-5 moves after failing the level for weeks now. That was an immense help. kindly inform me if that add on will return because if not,I am leaving this silly game which demands payment for adding on extra moves. Unfair to make a person get to over 1600…
Bugs (chocolate not disappearing)
is anyone else having this glitch, restarted the game multiple times and turned my off and on