كيف استطيع طلب الصداقة
#العقيد_المحرر من #سجن_صيدنايا ومدير نفس السجن سابقاً العقيد #لؤي_يوسف_يوسف: 🌀الحديث عن الفترة الذهبية للسجن 🌀هل يوجد سجون سرية في صيدنايا؟ 🌀فساد مدير السجن وإضطهاده للسجناء وحدوث العصيان 🌀يتضمن الحديث عن مجزرة سجن صيدنايا بعد العصيان 🌀بعض المعلومات المهمة عن واقع السجون العسكرية 🌀دحض "سردية المؤامرة الكونية" 🌀إضطهدوه…
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Will not connect with Facebook - keeps looping
I don't know how I got disconnected from Facebook as I did nothing different. I am tryin to connect, I click the "Log in with Facebook app", then OPEN, it tells me "You previously logged into Candy Crush Saga with Facebook" I press "continue as me" it loops back to Candy Crush with the screen to "Log in with the Facebook…
Candy crush is installed but will not open.
Candy crush is installed but will not open.
Why i can't connect with the internet connection
I can't connect with the internet connection
Pq não consigo usar as barras de ouro que conquistei?
Já tentei usar , comprar e não consigo de jeito nenhum, alguém poderia me ajudar?
How to change payement?
change payment how?
McDonald’s ad
every time the McDonald’s comes up, the game freezes! I keep losing lives and all the momentum!🥵
Candy Royale
I was halfway through the challenge and up to 125 gold bars and my game just suddenly froze and reset. I lost my place in the challenge.
Why am I being overcharged
Twice I have picked an option that shows one price and it bills my Amex another amount. Once I reached a level and was offered a special deal of 16.99 and was charged over $50. Today I picked an option for 9.99 and was charged $21.64. Why is this happening and how can we correct the overcharges?