Help Because after a while I do not see the sub games, like that of the whale the pig and the daily booster to enter each day. Help, and drop the app and install it again and return and appear but then are no longer
Level 1879 - not enough orders - still have moves...
I am on level 1879... it shows i have anywhere from 14 to 20 moves left (one time I only actually made 2 moves).. and OH - game over "Not enough orders left on the board" .. there are NO bombs going off.. why is it cutting me off .. what a waste of lives.
How to switch from King.com to Facebook
I play candy crush directly on king.com. I'm at level 102 and 441.What can I do to play on Facebook and stay at the same level and also on my android phone ?
Not able to get the contests
The contests and daily calendar are not showing in my game.Uninstalled n reinstalled many times but still the problem lies.plz fix it as i can't enjoy the game as before.
Where have the sugar tracks gone. Will they be back?
My game update removed all sugar drops. Will they be back and when? I will have to stop playing if they are not coming back
Candy Crush Saga Level 2707
Whoever designed this level is totally lacking in ability and imagination. Who wants to spend their time mundanely shuffling candies around for the entire game. I play this game to stimulate the mind, not to be totally bored. The standard of this level has plunged Candy Crush to a new level of mediocrity !!
Why does Candy Crush keep crashing?
After the August 2017 update, my candy crush app loads for about three seconds before crashing back to my home screen. I never logged in with Facebook, and I don't want to delete the app because I will lose my progress. How do you fix this?
Will Facebook overwrite progress if I am further locally than on Facebook?
Hi, I am level 500 on my iPhone (not connected to Facebook) and level 300 on my Facebook account... if I sync my phone with Facebook will I lose the extra progress or will it be updated? Thanks!
Can not play any level
What's wrong today? When I starts a level, the level shows for less than 2 seconds and then fades, switch to "King Loading..." screen and no stuck there. No use on refresh/clearing browser cache (Yet still deducts my booster if is selected). If there is any maintenance work, please announce us.
Showing for long time today morning "An error has occured. we are doing our best to fix it . . ."
Showing for long time today morning "An error has occured. we are doing our best to fix it . . ." How i will recover it ... even i login through my friend fb AC, still i am getting the messages