Lost Progress
Help I lost 200 levels when I synced with facebook. Is there any way to get them back?
lost my progress
I upgraded my phone and lost my progress. I was at level 2366 and now I'm at 1870. Although i was connected with my Facebook account
Please check 2676 for glitch
Hi. Have been on 2676 for a few days now and it seems I'm getting farther and farther away from being able to complete the level. Could you please double check this to make sure it's solvable? Thanks in advance.
level 130
Candy crush saga, level 130 what are the 5 items suppose to collect. It looks like striped balls, but when I do get the blue striped balls, it doesn't reduce number required, so what is suppose to be collected
Why i cant connect to facebook ?
Candy crush saga has no connection to facebook anymore (android). Although my levels are not lost, it does not make me any more fun. What can I do now
Lost all levels
i have done the reboot, can't connect to facebook. I was in the 800's and now I'm back to 1
I logged into facebook and I lost all my levels
I logged into facebook and I lost all my progress. I have logged out but nothing. What can I do to recover it?
Change Facebook account to an existing one
Hello, My mother plays Candy Crush Saga with my Facebook account. She has her own Facebook account linked with another Candy Crush Saga account. Is it possible to move the Candy Crush Saga account linked to my Facebook account to her Facebook Account ? Without creating a new account of course ... Thanks for your help.
"Play levels to gain experience and rank up"
When I "ranked up" at Level 13 within my game, I never received my bonus of five free lives. I am now trying to "rank up" at level 14 but as I said, never received the bonus. Am I out of luck trying to get them or is there recourse?
Level 1879
Since you won't allow me to see other replies, I have to waste my time asking how you get 3 yellow candies? Describe your question in more detail here (at least 80 characters please)