I wanted to know who do i talk to about a possible update idea?
I basically want to run an awesome idea past you guys, that could be a cool feature and could pull in revenue if ppl r addicted to candy crush as I am. And we both know we all are............. Bye.Thanks
Candy crush saga do not work in my computer
Candy crush saga do not work in my computerAfter downloading the game from the store, the Windows App Store does not open
Download candy crush at same level left off on
I recently changed from an android to an iPhone and haven't been able to download candy crush at the level I left off on.
New ranking system candy crush saga
How do I learn about the new ranking system? I don't see any explanation of the purpose of it.
wall of fame
Previously, i could see the progression of my friends on the board of candy crush (on my computer, on windows) ... now, since the new actualization, it's not possible or i can't find it ... could you help me ?
leaderboards are now missing
windows 10 candy crush saga. I used to see 10 or 15 people playing the game with me and the top scores for the group for each level. Now it just shows my name and ? for the score and no people. What's up? ps. I dont see windows 10 desktop in your platform option.
Candy crush saga has stopped working and a new game started, it too stopped.
candy crush stopped working suddenly and a new game started and i am unable to connect with friends also and now this new game also stopped.
Level 845
I passef level 845 but I can't seem to get the massage that says to unlock more levels. Seems having trouble popping up. What to do?!?!?
After clearing episode 305, the app crashes and goes back to home screen.
I have latest ios. I have the latest version of candy crush. I actually deleted the app--(I lost all my boosters--this is another issue) and reinstalled. I went to play the quests in airplane mode and the APP will not let me. It automatically defaults back to the candy crush map screen. Haven't had any issues until the…
Didn't receive bundle with gold bar purchase
I purchased a "special" that in addition to gold bars offered numerous boosters. I got the gold bars but not the boosters! I would either like a refund or the boosters given to me please.