Want my styff back
I was having trouble whit game yo start so I turns it off and back on. I a. On game 1001 and I lost all my help takes long time to get them. I want therm back. Very unfair. Happened to wife also. Makes you want to quit. Can I get them back? You took them away why can't you give them back.
Still having problems playing on ipad
candy crush is still crashing on ipad 2, still losing boosters each time it crashes
Candy Crush Saga and Kindle Fire have not worked for months and now cannot even log on to FB
I am not alone with this problem. When one looks at the app purchase area at Amazon there are many complaints. I mentioned months ago that there were problems and was told that on your end there was no problem in playing on a Kindle.
2081 wont open! Works in place!
Why won't new world open? 2081 been waiting one week yet friends have entered. Missing out on in-house games. Cleared cache to see if that helps and lost 105 lives. Come on King Games, look after your players better pls
Error message for FB problem
No King Games will load on FB. The error that appears when I open the developer console is: [Error] Blocked a frame with origin "https://candycrush.king.com" from accessing a frame with origin "https://apps.facebook.com". The frame being accessed set "document.domain" to "facebook.com", but the frame requesting access did…
Chameleon Candy, causing Migraine Tunnel Vision ie loss of vision for hours.
Is there any options for turning off the Chameleon Candy effects as I have now arrived at a level where all the candies are flashing. The Chameleon Candy have caused problems at the lower level, but at the Harder Levels, where it can take days to complete, it really is a series issue. I really dont want to stop Candy Crush…
Stuck on level 666
I have been stuck on level 666 forever. Is it necessary to buy boosters? Is there a video tutorial I could watch? Has anyone else had to ask for HELP and gotten the answer(s) to get out of this level?
Bug in latest update?
After the latest update (today) can't play Candy Crush anymore because the keypad is constantly in my view. Even after restarting my android device it didn't disappear. Is this a known issue? Please help
I have been on Level 130 for over a year and I would like to know what an order is on this Level.
In Candy Crush Saga on Level 130, what does it mean when it says you have to complete an order? I have been on this Level for over a year.............
I finished level 110 more than 2 weeks ago and get the time till next level unlocks and it says 0 hr
I finished level 110 more than 2 weeks ago and time till next level unlocks says 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds and it's been that way for more than the 2 weeks. It's a rip off to have to buy to unlock the next levels when time says 0 for everything. Tell me how to proceed or I'll just quit playing as I'm not going to…