Send treats
I think that candy crush should improve sending candies to friends just like the lives are requested, such as if someone requests a life I will send sent it, so if someone needs a stripe candy it should be allowed to be sent
Send sb I know from my inventory list
It will be nice if I could choose sb from my friends and send him something from my inventory list. It makes this game more friendly.
Sharing Power
It will be very interesting if we can share the power to our friends when we are stuck in some level to help each other. An waiting for the new episode ..thanks
Earning some dollars from Candy Crush Saga
Have been thinking what if CCS made some players happier by buying some gold bars from them in exchange for dollars to the players. This could be easier for those who have maybe bought excess gold bars & to those who rarely use gold bars to buy boosters & lives.. The fact that it is kind of difficult to win Gold bars for…
Share boosters
Provide a way to share boosters or "sweet supplies" with friends.
Exchange lnventory
In our inventory, wonder if we can bartering our stash of goodies ( Lives, Gold bars and Booster) such that we can exchange some useless boosters to become useful boosters. For example: Fish can exchange to hammer / gold bar / lives. 5 Hand can exchange 1 UFO, etc. This will make our boosters become more suit our need.
Sugar supplies
How Can we transfer sugar supplies or power boaters to other friends?????
Sweet supplies
Please make any method to transfer sweet supplies to friends for help them clear super hard levels... ;)
Sharing boosters
Being able to send and share booster and prizes to our friends and recieve some from them
Share boosters
I think it is a good idea to allow friends to be able to trade and or send eachother our lives & boosters.. we could hell eachother out when needed .. maybe put a limit on per log in or per friend or per rounds ..