C levels
Please bring back the C levels to win extra boosters
Community Membership Perks
Encouraging players to join the King Community and becoming involved should offer at least one perk to their gaming. I have once suggested a maximum of 6💙💙💙💙💙💙 lives max bank instead of the current 5 live max, but I open this discussion thread for anyone else’s opinion to a possible perk obtained by being a community…
Community Membership Incentives w/ a perk
Encouraging players to join the King Community and becoming involved should offer at least one perk to their gaming. I have once suggested a maximum of 6💙💙💙💙💙💙 lives max bank instead of the current 5 live max, but I open this discussion thread for anyone else’s opinion to a possible perk obtained by being a community…
Corona Virus Idea to relieve boredom
It would be great if King would lower the time to 15 minutes to renew a game during this stressful time when everyone is home and bored.
Space Race
please change the reward on the Space race to add 2 hrs of unlimited play, and change the existing reward of 6 hrs of color bomb and striped candy to 2 hrs. Thank you!
Build-A-Bot (Duplicate - closed by CM)
PLEASE. FOR THE LOVE OF CANDY, BRING BACK THE BOOSTER BOT FOR PREVIOUS LEVELS! I am extremely disappointed that it’s not available anymore. Especially because I very rarely get the bean stock. Maybe once or twice a month, even tho it counts down 24 hours; it disappears. Gold Bars are rarely rewarded. It’s a challenge to…
Gold bars (Duplicate - closed by CM)
Could you please have a confirm button like you have when you set the ufo off. for gold bars at the end of the game for play on it comes up too fast I always end up pressing it as when your playing you don’t always realise it’s your last move and go for the next one but play on comes up and before you know it your bars…
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(EDITED by CM - Unsupported language)
Get rid of the candy walls you've introduced!
They are awful. I'm on level 3258 and can't get remotely close enough to complete it. They're killing the game - please take them out of it!
Build-a-bot (Duplicate - closed by CM)
good idea................... RESTORE BUILD A BOT BACK TO NORMAL so that when previous levels are played it goes up. Makes it a very hard and not very fun when your on high level. Im still commiting my time to candy crush by playing previous levels. I should still be rewarded