Who is reacting to me( Haha, or insightful)
Hey guys I'm Nck I often been wondering who is reacting to my post or comments and use a mobile phone to play or chat. But I always get responses but don't know who said sweet or Haha or insightful. Think it should be a optional to be able to be seen or not. Anyone else agree or think that should be a optional tx's have a…
Send live from ranking board
Can you please add the possibility to send lives from the ranking board rather than from the game? To send lives to my Facebook friends I have to scroll all the way down the board. It's bother some. Plus I have to select them one by one because if I send you everybody it will annoy those who don't play anymore. Would be…
On the completion of the Game
Dear All I completed twice the all levels of the game. But it is disappointing me there is NOTHING SPECIAL, when I completed the all levels of the game. I never get special awards or something very special. I tried to complete the all levels of the game continutly from the last year. I was very much fond of about that what…
Separate lives from Requests
It would be nice to have a separate section for requested lives. I know I don’t always use all my lives and someone might be in dyer need and I may not see it to help them out.
(Edit by CM: Offensive Language) this game
I have been playing this game for over 7 years. It has become the worst game I have ever played. I do not know what kind of algorithms you use for this game but it is already jumping out of me. You made a bargain from this game. Edit by CM: Offensive Language)
More holiday theme items added to the game
I would like Candy Crush to add more holiday/seasonal items to their games. This would make them more unique, fun, and add some more pizzaz to the game. Themes like Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas, New Year, Valentine's Day, St.Patricks Day, Spring, Easter, etc. I hope the people that make these games will read my…
Question mark candy
Hey can you guys like give us good candy when we bust the question mark candies? You guys always give us like bombs (Edit by CM:rude)and it’s not fair! (Edit by CM: offensive)!!!!
New booster
Now is the time for another new booster which we will call "Shuffle the Board". whenever we click on it, re-arrange the board and whenever we click on it, it will set candies according to that level.Some times there are levels where the board is difficult, that is, it becomes a little difficult to match Candies. Thank you 💙
Giving is good
Share with friends gifts or lives
Stop clearing out boosters!
So frustrating! I just built up my boosters. Accidentally backed out of Candy Crush & went right back in. They were all gone. Time to take another break from Candy Crush. Hopefully, this is fixed whenever I choose to try again.