Convenient way of Paying for boosters
I am from Kenya. It's easier for us to purchase boosters, gold bars etc using Mpesa, our mobile money service. Please see if you can activate this with Safaricom, the mobile money service transfer telco.
Play on confirm button
I just had the worst mistake happen to me. I had the worst game with zero possible moves left... At the end of the game where it gives the option to play on or end game the play on was accidentally hit instead of the end game. It gave me zero option to back out as I did not want to play on. I wish there was a button that…
Using gold bars to collect bonus
Hi was just wondering if an additional action could be added when selected the option to play on uses gold bars, I accidentally pressed on the option to use gold bars for 6 hrs unlimited play. if there was an additional step asking are you sure you want to use this press confirm then think that would be very beneficial…
confirming to spending gold bcz my niece often clearup my golds
Confirmation when spending gold bars
There should be a confirmation pop up when spending gold bars in-game. There have been numerous times where I’ve accidentally tapped the “play on” button and not meant to, and I end up accidentally spending my gold bars. I think this could be a beneficial addition for many. :)
Confirm Purchase button/ gold bars
It happens to all of us at sometime, some more than others, you’re playing a level and accidentally hit purchase extra moves and before you know it the 10 gold bars you’ve spent two weeks collecting are gone and you were probably only playing an old level or the 5 extra moves have no purpose because you were nowhere near…
Are you sure prompt for continue playing
I think it would be a great gold saver for users if there was an “Are you sure” type prompt for when a level is not completed and we have the option to use 10 gold bars to get 5 more moves. I’ve accidentally tapped that option a few times and was forced to continue when I didn’t want to which was not fun. Otherwise keep up…
Verify Purchase before taking gold bars
I have seen several posts from players complaining that they have accidentally hit the play on for X gold bars when they meant to exit the level and try again. Can you add to the game a post to confirm the user wants to spend the gold bars to continue playing the level? That way they don't accidentally spend gold bars they…
Tit for tat
I would love to see you ask me if I’m sure I want to spend my gold bars as many times as you ask me if I’m ready to quit a game. It’s annoying that with one click, I can spend 10-20 bars but you ask me 4 times if I want to quit. Doesn’t really seem right. How about a change?
Confirm gold bar purchase
After a game I lost, I always accidentally hit play 5 more turns for 10GB and I just be trying to hit quit game. I always hit the button and it takes my GB. I think you guys should confirm the purchase because its takes a while to even build 1gb.