Jump to a past level
I often like to play some of my favorite past levels, especially after completing all levels. I would like to type in a level # to "jump" to a past level rather than having to scroll through thousands of levels to get there.
10 lives after waiting for 30 mins
So instead of 5 lives y not make it 10 after all we r waiting 30 mins for each life or keep it at 5 but change the time like after using all ur lifes onlt waiting 30 mins then havve all lifes
More lives
How about more lives, six would be great, or even shorten the time in between, to have to wait, maybe offer better chances to win more lives, once the five are up.
Renew lives quicker
Encourage players to give friends lives or make a shorter renewal time limit.
My idea can increase the amount of lives and allow the amount of 5 ... if you have a choice of 1 or 2 extra hit points with some form of display, it will be an example of spinning scroll and she will have the option to win them. when rotate.
I will suggest 10 lives instead of the usual five lives or the reduction in the recovery timer to 10min.
Sometimes i cant get through a level with 5 lives. Maybe bump it up to ten?
By increasing live from 5 to 15
Lives & time
1. Remove/reduce the life timing.. rather than waiting 30min, shall be either get lives immediate or we shall wait for 5min. 2. Increase the number of lives... rather than 5 to be 8 at least.