I do not see a place to control the emails I receive telling me who added a new comment. How can I regulate or unsubscribe?
Sync games
You have to sync Facebook/King so you can play the same numbered game on both. I can’t play on my iPad because the same Facebook I sign in with on my pc is WAY behind on games! ALSO, you have to be able to use tour boosters and lives sent from friends regardless where you play! If you are signed in to Facebook EVERYTHING…
Allow Account Transfer
I want to delete my Facebook account but candy crush is tied to it. I don’t want to lose my progress on Crush. You need to allow transferring of accounts between FB and non-FB accounts. I’m sure lots of us would like to delete FB for various reasons but don’t because of candy crush.
Is this really a new change?
I can no longer get to this screen...is anyone else having this problem? I have been told that this a new change. Can anyone else confirm it or can anyone tell me if there is a new way to get here?
Who is at leve 6095? Cause i am....
Change of difficulty level for 1787
Hello! Level 1787 definitely should be marked as "difficult" :) Thanks and regards!
The last five
Have a flashing warning when you get down to five moves left on each board
Powers enter into middle of the game
Please allow to get the powers while playing the middle of the game.
More levels
Get more levels soon
Using beans to buy bars...
Why cant I use magic beans to buy gold bars....? I have plenty... I think it's time to be able without money involved...