Fill up panel
In soda saga some players block the fill in of the 5 cases, move them!!!
"Are you sure?" option for gold bars
I suggest an "Are you sure?" option pop up before gold bars are spent. At least five times now I have spent gold bars when I did not intend to, simply because I accidentally double-tapped my screen when failing a level or mis-tapped after a free spin. This option would have prevented any of these from happening. I have…
Leaderboard: bragging rights
Please create a leaderboard that lets you compare stats between your friends. Include things like: total number of stars. Average number of stars. Total score. Average score. Number of levels where you have the high score. Never underestimate the allure of competition and bragging rights to motivate people to play your…
Sugar Stars Automatic for Previous High Scored Levels
Instead of having to redo each level to get Sugar Stars, it should only be on the ones that you haven’t already achieved the required points in. In many of the Levels, I can see that my previous attempts would have gained me the Sugar Stars, but I still have to redo them.
Jackpot on the daily spinner
I have been playing this game for 6 years. Not once have I ever hit the jackpot, nor have I ever heard of anyone who has. Why even include it if it is so rigged? Either remove it, or make it more fair, where there is an actual chance of hitting it!
Stop with the timed candies or give me a way to control the timer
Often when I get sugar drops to fill the meter, then I get a timed candy. Often, I have used up all or almost all of my lives before I get these timed candies. They're unusable for me. Please go back to untimed, one use ones or let me start the timer myself. It's annoying to have to waste those candies that I worked for.
Worlds first function to Recover the password
I would suggest that you make a function who is working to recover the password. That when you get a message that an email is sent to your mail account a mail will be sent. So that when you open the mail client there will be a mail to recover the password. I know this function will be a great challenge because nowhere in…
I got four times boosters and lost them all.dont rhink that is fair,and level
Level Pass
There needs to be a way to win a level pass reward! I've been in Delicious Dynasty forever, to the point I'm about to give up, and a rare Level Pass would have been AMAZING!!
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