Unlimited Life for less than 6 hours
💡👑💡✍️✍️⏳✍️✍️💡👑💡 I love crushing💖, but I wish there were more options for buying unlimited life than 69 gold bars for 6 hours. Couldn't we buy 1 hr of unlimited life? When I spend gold bars on lives, I have a choice of 1 or 5 lives. So why not a choice if I want to play unlimited life? Unfortunately, I don't always have 6…
Fruits that eat chocolate
Thought a pacman fruit would be fun munching chocolate when activated
Game benefits
Candy crush app may provide earning to the players
Be able to use free switch once used all moves
Have you ever finished a game and thought, I just need one more move. And there sitting in your equipment bar is a free switch. I am proposing that we could be able to use the free switch once we have done all our moves. There would be a pop up saying … would you like to use your free switch to end this game. So you can…
Additional Rewards for Player finished In First place in episode race
Hi, Can give additional rewards like boosters or additional lives for those who finish in first place in episode race. This hopefully will encourage the players to try much even more active to achieve the goal to be first in the episode race. Cheers and have a pleasant weekend.
New mini games
How about New mini games
Boosters wheel
Maybe to o consider to o include UFO as Nd party boosters in the wheel.
Fantastic 5 limit to minimum levels have to play
Don’t you just find it annoying when you are doing all the work in your fantastic 5 teams. well I’m saying that each member should have a part of it to do themselves. And if they can they can ask a member to do it for them.
Deluxe Chocolate Box
Give me an option of which Chocolate Box to play for. After I complete the basic Box I am punished and made to wait until I fail at finishing the Deluxe Box. I have yet to complete the deluxe Box because one row is essentially impossible to win. So, if there must be a Deluxe Box for the advanced players, at least give me…
Edit the locked chest graphic.
When you get announcement about locked chest and needing to find the key, the chest graphic already has a key in it. Just thought it might be easy to fix and just ads a little something. Maybe a silly thing to fix but it just kinda bugs me. Thanks