Dispensers/Candy Cannons dispensing Icing
Dispensers should dispence icing. The icing can spawn in 1-5 layers. Each layer has a 20% chance to spawn. Every single candy crush saga episode has a hard level. This could help with hard levels.
Missions of fantastic five
I think there should be a way by which members can set their own targets like how many days and which boosters we want like that. I hope u get my point
King.com App
Hello was just thinking would the creators of King.com think about developing a king.com App that would be absolutely brilliant as this would be a lot easier for people would be ideal on a mobile as well Was just thinking lol
Life Bank
When we complete a story, most of the time we’re given +5 bonus lives as a bonus. If our lives are full, we essentially lose those bonus lives for when we need them. Making a bank, similar to the sending/receiving lives, would be very beneficial! That way our bonus lives are not lost and we can still feel rewarded 😁
Change the map background any month
I think this background is repetitive Change the map background any month
Bring back milestone episodes
For episodes that include 1000, 2000, 3000… should have their own episodes instead of the standard 10.
Sending lives
I want to choose my friends to send lives to. The ones you chose don't send me lives.
Give onde free package
Confirmation button for using gold bars to keep playing the same level
I highly suggest that candy crush provide a "yes and cancel" button for "keep playing gold bars button". I accidentally hit that button when I didn't mean to keep playing sooooo many times!!! It wasted me loooots of gold bars because there's no "cancel" option.
Move the Spend 10 Gold to Continue button please
The button lines up directly with the Retry button which causes me to spend gold when I don't want to. This is horribly frustrating as I do spend actual money on this game and to have it wasted due to the placement of a Spend Gold to Continue button is extremely disappointing. Please move it or something so that I stop…