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Lost level

Rosa_Zuniga Posts: 1 Newbie

I have lost my level 2508 and now goes back to 1!... I have saved it on my cell phone app and I logged out but now I logged in it takes me back to lower levels... help!! I can see in my desktop am still in level 2508 but not my cell! I can’t seem to get it back. It seems to be mixed up in the kindom and Facebook log in. Am unsuccessful and need your help get it back. I have deleted Facebook and candy crush from my cell and added back and no luck 


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,745 Sweet Legend

    Hi Rosa, sorry for the delay in responding but thank you for writing us here on King Care.  Are you still having this problem? 

    If it's still happening try to clear the history from your cell phone.  Then shut it down for a few seconds and then open it again.  Log out of Facebook and log back in and it should be back to your current level because when you play through Facebook it saves your progress.  Please let me know if it's resolved or still need more help.

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