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Level changed on Candy Crush? Different number of moves or seeing the same level twice?



  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,258
    I have already completed the levels at which i am now..... Why uh took me back to the levels which i have already completed ? 

    Hi @N@Neha_123_gupta are you seeing stars on the levels that you already completed? Sometimes the avatar gets stuck on a level or it isn't showing the stars.  Can you possibly do a print screen if you are still having this problem?
  • KGar41
    KGar41 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    This is a nonsensical business move, because while it might make sense from a business model to attempt to get consumers to drop more money, it makes no sense from a customer perspective. The people, like me, who are willing to drop a few dollars a week to keep playing an enjoyable game are going to get frustrated and angry and refuse to drop any money at all. I have noticed for some time that my levels and the levels that Suzy and other video gamers show are completely different not only in board configuration but number of moves. And a decrease from 40 or 50 moves down to 12 moves is not an adjustment. It's a blatant blocking of a player's ability to move through a level without spending money. If after two or three tries I have gone through all my boosters, and other players have three times the number of moves that I do, this is when push comes to shove. For now I have quit playing and quit spending money. I will come back once or twice a week to see if I have been taken out of this test group. I will not spend another dime on this or any other game that your company makes until this nonsense stops. Let's say there are a million players that you have done this to, and those million players spend 3 to $5 a week playing this game; and let's say at least half of those are people like me who are going to completely stop giving you money when you are obviously blocking the ability to play the game for select players. You do the math.

  • nursiepooh
    nursiepooh Posts: 421

    I’m on mobile iOS and there is no conveyor belt or way to get the cherries to the exit

  • Cw1310
    Cw1310 Posts: 115
    Same level 662 is now impossible in 14 moves
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,258
    Hey guys, the videos are created once the level is released.  The studio monitors these levels to see how many players get stuck or clear it and how long it takes to clear it.  Then they might “tweak” it.  I am not on my computer but I will tag my co-Superstar @firebombmarkus to see if he can get you the link to learn more about this.
  • firebombmarkus
    firebombmarkus Posts: 13,110
    Hi everyone and welcome to our adorable Community to those I didn't meet before 😊 As @Elsa already explained, the studio is monitoring the levels and they might change them if they are too easy or too hard for players. On the link below you can read more about it. Thank you for your understanding. Have a wonderful weekend and happy holidays 🤗
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,676
    Hi everyone - I can certainly understand your frustrations and have experienced them too in the past.  I have been playing for years and followed Cookie's blog -  I find this site has some of the best tips including some from other fellow crushers.  If you read the comments you can see that many times levels have changed with the most common change being a reduction of moves.  That is one of the reasons why, now that I have caught up and wait for new levels to be released, I stay caught up so hopefully I am not affected when levels are reduced.  Sometimes King does make levels easier - but I think more often they make it harder.  Sometimes the changes to previous levels are changing blockers - like adding waffles at lower levels when they were introduced originally at a higher level. Sometimes a level is completely changed - there used to be timed levels (I hated them) and so those levels changed.  My advice is to reach out here to some fellow crushers who may be on the same levels or have completed them recently and also check out the site I listed above and look at the more recent comments, because they should be from people who are experiencing the same changed levels as you are.  Good Luck and Keep Crushing!
  • jdd318
    jdd318 Posts: 16

    Level 2

    I won level 2852. The game did not advance until I was forced to play again, I lost that level using a valuable life. It then advanced to the next level. Lives are too valuable to have to replay a level already won 
  • melmaika
    melmaika Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Level 1108 same problem. I m not even close to get those 500 blue and green candies. Getting tired of playing the same level over and over. Boosters won’t do anything cause the space is so little. Giving up on the game now. That’s all it does.
  • jjeca
    jjeca Posts: 1

    Level 1

    level 1303 only 10 moves?!?!? This is more than impossible. Could you please remove me from test group...

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