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error with levels this week number

I played my game on a flight this week and when I landed synced back to facebook. It credited me for having completed over 300 levels this week when the real number is around 30. I would like to fix this because it looks like i've literally done nothing but play candy crush all week instead of working (!!). Is there a way to get it to show the correct number of levels? Thanks.


  • Hi @JCGooch Welcome to the Community! You really made me laugh 😂 A lot of people wouldn't complain about glitch like this, but I understand your reasons. I am not sure what is behind this problem but let's ask our Community Manager @Cezdiamond maybe they can find a way to fix it. Thank you for posting. Have a great day!
  • Cezdiamond
    Cezdiamond Posts: 6,497
    Hehe @JCGoochsure we can ask our customer care team to reset your levels, please go to our form here be sure to select the following options 

    You will then be contacted to reset your game :) 

  • JCGooch
    JCGooch Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Thank you @Cezdiamond. Just to clarify, if I reset will I lose progress in the game (I’m over 1800 levels...) or will it just reset my levels this week record/ranking? 

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?