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Level 1342 Number Of Available Moves Cut (Affect On Bombs)

Looks like level 1342 is one where they've cut the number of moves available. They might as well remove the bombs from the level as you will run out of moves before any of them have a chance to go off. If King are going to cut the number of moves for a level then for bombs they need to either adjust the timer length of bombs or remove them from the level


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
    Hi @SpacePhoenix, I'm not sure how many moves you have for this level, but this person writes excellent tips on how to clear the levels so check it out for your level.

  • SpacePhoenix
    SpacePhoenix Posts: 57

    Level 3

    Elsa said:
    Hi @SpacePhoenix, I'm not sure how many moves you have for this level, but this person writes excellent tips on how to clear the levels so check it out for your level.

    35 Jelly to clear, 12 moves available and the countdown on the bombs is set for 15 moves!

    Funny thing is just before typing this I attempted the level and beat it. Just pot luck with the wrapped candies getting two next to each other and having a lollipop hammer allowing the creation of a colour bomb
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
    It's more than pot luck!  I have seen this happen over and over again.  The players complain about a level and then suddenly you can clear it!  So keep complaining in the future about difficult levels, because it seems to be working for you!
  • SpacePhoenix
    SpacePhoenix Posts: 57

    Level 3

    Elsa said:
    It's more than pot luck!  I have seen this happen over and over again.  The players complain about a level and then suddenly you can clear it!  So keep complaining in the future about difficult levels, because it seems to be working for you!
    King still need to deal with the bomb timers for the level, it's pointless the level having bombs if they've no chance of going off before you run out of moves

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