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Adding the party popper to the spinning wheel



  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,928
    I love the idea of adding a party popper. I was just thinking about how it might be possible to win one. 
  • Barb_Howard
    Barb_Howard Posts: 120
    I love it too!!!
  • Bianco_Kong
    Bianco_Kong Posts: 96

    Level 3

    I played this game for three years, but only won jackpot once. The chance of winning a jackpot is really very low. I believe that only very few players have won jackpot and I totally agree with Elsa's 
  • ET_Chips
    ET_Chips Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I have played this game for 5 years and am on level 4603.  i have not won the jackpot once.  I have become very disillusioned with it everytime i see it on the screen.  It is certainly not equally random.  i am thinking i have spun the wheel about 1400 times and never landed on it.  What are the odds of that?  (i know 1 - 9 to the power of 1400 or something like that!!)
  • Gabryel77
    Gabryel77 Posts: 22

    Level 3

    Joseph45 said:
    Awesome idea @Elsa! Personally, I have never won the jackpot ever! However, it’s ok! I think that adding the party popper would be a great alternative! 
    I never got the jackpot so will be good if will disappear from the spinning well and be replaced with something better because is annoying to see it there and to never get it.. Also will be good to double the rewards on spinning wheel 
  • Bruce_Bubello
    Bruce_Bubello Posts: 58

    Level 3

    edited May 2019
    That would be nice and when you spin the Free Booster Wheel there is a bit of a trick they do not want you to know. It is best if you hit Stop before the wheel starts going faster. And usually whatever is at about the 1 O'Clock Position will be what you end up (but not always & I have never hit the Jackpot either) ... I always try to land on either the Switch Hand or the Lollipop Hammer as they are the 2 most useful boosters. All the others are easy to obtain.
  • hughes_kc
    hughes_kc Posts: 13

    Level 2

    Been playing for years & just like a lot of people, I've never won the jackpot ever! Seems like they could at least award 1 on our birthday's or maybe on our anniversary date in which we all started playing!
  • Paua
    Paua Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Great suggestion! Have played CC for 7 years and have never won the jackpot. The party popper would be great to have in the wheel. 
  • Barb_Howard
    Barb_Howard Posts: 120
    I tottaly agree!!! I have been playing over 5 years now and I plat a lot as I am retired. I have never hit the jackpot either. Putting the Party Popper on the spin wheel would be awesome but then again no one would land on that either!!
  • MaryBL
    MaryBL Posts: 53

    Level 3

    It must be a good idea to offer something that can actually be won.

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