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New Candy Quests - What are these and how to do them

CandyCrush33 Posts: 12

Level 2

edited February 2019 in Discussions
There were so many changes with last week’s update that I did notics these new Crush These Candy Quests.  You get to choose between two of them and they do not appear on the board or as a separate level to complete.  

I cannot find anything. about this new bonuses.  Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Hi @CandyCrush33, I am having the same problem.  They seem to have put out quite a few new challenges/quests in the last week or two and they are all in testing phases so none of us are really sure how they work yet.  I got one today that said something about being #1 to make a character happy.  I played a couple of levels and when I went back in it said that I won and to claim my rewards.  I clicked on it but have no clue if I got anything because nothing popped up.  Now I am seeing what you see.

  • CandyCrush33
    CandyCrush33 Posts: 12

    Level 2

    edited February 2019
    Elsa - Thank you so much for replying.
    I think I figured it out after deciphering their riddles.  I believe (and please check) you have two different options/quests.
    I think you have 8 hours to complete the “challenge”/quest.
    These are the quests I have seen.
    1. You have to use one booster
    2.  Beat a Hard, SuperHard, or Noghtmarish Level 
    3.  Collect 200 Candies - color is shown when you click that quest. Mine was green 
    4.  Be number one out of your FB group - I did this one too

    When you complete it, it shows a quick (really quick) picture of color bomb and two other boosters. 

    Then 2 new quests appears after the 8 hours is up.  

    Whew. Thanks again for replying.  
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Hi CandyCrush33, below are 4 print screens and I think it covers all the new quests.  I just got the troll and send 10 friends lives.  So I clicked on the troll's quest because last night I tried the 10 friends but didn't have 10 friends to send lives to in the envelope.  So just now I clicked on the troll and nothing happened.  Then I noticed that the troll thing was gone and how do I find whatever the troll threw at me because I don't see anything and Yeti's thing is saying to send 10 friends lives.  I do not like these challenges so don't think that I'm going to bother with them again.  I got 3 rewards from one that I did yesterday to colllect green candies.  I asked in my Facebook group if others tried other challenges and did they get different rewards.  It's the same 3 rewards for all quests.  You got a picture showing your rewards?  I didn't but what I did was to take a print screen before I did the quest and then again after.  It was a color bomb, a lollipop and a wrapped/striped candy but nothing popped up to show me what reward I was getting.   Guess what - more glitches!



  • Do these new quests only come available if you have unfinished levels?
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    No, because I finished the new episode yesterday so this morning I have no new levels and they still showed up. 
  • What level are you on @Elsa. I am on 4430 on iPhone 
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    I assume that you are playing the game with the Dynamic Duo because you are playing unreleased levels.  It just goes up to 4370.  On Windows 10 the last level is 4430.  I completed 4430 yesterday on Windows 10 so I am waiting for the next episode.  There was one level that I loved - I think it was 4414.  That was cool1
  • I loaded the W10 version and it sits at level 4430 also. Someone told me that it will get new levels on Wednesday. I hope the iPhone does too
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Yes every Wednesday all should get a new episode but it will always be ahead in Windows 10 because Apple and Android have to approve the mobile levels before release.
  • Thanks @Elsa I look forward to Wednesday!

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