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Level 4999 It wants us a miracle!! (edited by CM)



  • Mim_
    Mim_ Posts: 639
    I only had a few to get then and it said oops! What am I doing wrong?
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,551
    If it’s the level that I am thinking of it says that because there is no way that you can collect all of them.  I think with mine it was the yellow and there weren’t enough special candies that clear all of them.
  • Mim_
    Mim_ Posts: 639
    Oh ok I'll see if that's why. You did well to get this far as we only had the new levels today and I thought I had done well.
  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,230
    Agree Mim_ this level is ridiculous. You have no control over what is under the lucky candies and if you open 13 of one colour, Oops appears. Very, very poorly designed and near impossible.
    The only solution on line uses an inordinate amount of switches and hammers and is lucky enough to get 12 of each colour under the lucky candies.
    Also Elsa what is the use of using hammers if you are unsure that you won't open 13 of one colour. The level is either a deliberate money grab or the work of an incompetent designer.
    Waste of time and boosters until the level is modified.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,551
    Mim_ said:
    Oh ok I'll see if that's why. You did well to get this far as we only had the new levels today and I thought I had done well.
    I haven’t finished this episode yet.  Most of the levels are very hard to clear.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,551
    @Peter_Tornaros I had to use the lollipops to break open the specials because I had them on the board but they weren’t opened yet so until I hit them I didn’t know if they were red or yellow.
  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,230
    Fair enough, but I thought  and Moderators have stated previously, that all levels can be solved without boosters. I believe that is impossible to do on this level.
    Also, do you think it is ethical to make the player use boosters(spend money) without knowing the outcome. I have used hammers as you said, wrong colour has opened and "oops" game has ended !!
    I don't mind using boosters and extra moves if I know their use will solve the level. At the moment I could use 6 hands, 6 switches, extra moves and still get the demeaning "Oops" message.
  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,230
    Also Elsa, previously it has been stated that new levels are released on Windows 10 to allow marque players to "test" the levels.
    Already less than 12 hours after release 3 such players (including you) have identified a problem with the level. Very few would have reached 4999 in this time.
    Just now, I was again "Oops" out with plenty of moves and lucky candies left. I am getting very, very frustrated with losing boosters (money) at the whim of a poorly designed level.
    Or at least get the courtesy of a reply from a Moderator !!!!!

  • Mim_
    Mim_ Posts: 639
    Hi Elsa, I did that level 4999 in the end but I am upset I had to buy a cone to finish. I did love playing level 5000 though. I do wish that some of the levels weren't so hard though. It is an awful lot of money to buy boosters.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,551
    Hi @Peter_Tornaros, I think that most of these higher levels now require boosters.  Have you cleared this level yet?  The studio monitors the levels and they can see how many are playing this level and how long it takes to clear it.  I don't know their exact data that is collected but if they see the players clearing the levels then they won't make changes.  This is only from my experience that I've been seeing in the last 3+ years that I've been a Superstar.  If enough players complain that it's a glitch or whatever then the studio will make the change.  I can tag @Jelly Jenny who is the community moderator for this game and maybe she can have the studio take a look at what you wrote but that's not a guarantee that they will make a chance. 

    Where did you hear that the levels are released on Windows 10 for testing?  From my experience the testers get the levels that are not released yet.  I'm not even sure if they have that in effect right now.  The reason why Windows 10 has more levels than mobile devices is because Apple and Android have to approve the levels before they are released on mobile.  I don't believe that it has anything to do with testing.

    In my Facebook group and other CC Saga Facebook groups lots of players have already cleared this level so I don't foresee it being changed but let's see if the community moderator brings it to the attention of the studio.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?