you have taken all the fun out of this game...players in the 4500 game range are not going to pay you...we already have payed plenty to get to this point...having every level require every booster we have accumulated and not getting boosters while we root for sugar drops was bad enough but now you have a sneaky extra moves wheel that we assume time has passed to get only to find that when we click it we lose our gold bars! At this level of the game nobody is going to pay you! Start making it fun again please! I have already paid for half of Bobby Koticks freshman year at Emerson..,give us a break already! We at this high level have been loyal and are getting screwed with new trick every week...used to be so nice to have a Wednesday with a new level have all boosters ready to roll and then wait for the new level to come out...pulling some sneaky stuff here and taking all of the fun out of the game! Cmon Bobby...bring it back like it used to be!