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Site Glitching Causing Grief & Aggravation

mercerik Posts: 3,617 Legend
If you saw one comment posted Multiple Times, please don't jump into a conclusion and
judge the person who posted the initial comment. For days now, posting a Comment is
becoming a chore. It doesn't go thru as it normally does. Instead, a pop-up on the left corner
of the browser comes up saying "Your Comment Will Appear After It Is Approved." If you
don't notice it, it will become a Major Issue. It has caused me some grief and aggravation. 

This will appear once in your Drafts. Deleting this from there doesn't make a Difference.
It will still get posted once it is approved. The problem is not just Once but in Multiples. I had to
go in and Delete the Duplicates instead, with an explanation on each of them.
Here is a proof that I reported this pending posting upon approval.

  Before we jump into conclusion, let's give some people the Benefit of the Doubt before throwing
some Mean and Inappropriate Words. These will come and bite us in the end. We can
express our frustrations in a nice way. There are appropriate words we can use to reach out 
and call someone's attention. Whatever words we use defines us and show that person
how we truly are in dealing with people. Once we said those Mean and Demeaning
Words, we can't take them back. 

Links of the threads affected:

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