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Anyone else not get their space race rewards?

Khaos Posts: 523
I haven't opened the game since Monday morning when the you came in first place message popped up. I closed the game as I usually do without clicking on the treasure chest to open. Usually, when I open the game on Wednesday morning, it pops up. I just now opened the game and it is not there. Star chaser is now there. Has the time limit to get the space race been shortened to before the next event starts? I would like to know the exact time frame you have for collecting the space race reward, because I had to work hard to win it this week. I had a hard competitor and had to get to 42,000. I didn't have the opportunity to get a screenshot of the proof before the I won message popped up. I've already used my one time of getting them from customer support, so I am not going to bother. However, I am a tad peeved. I did take a screenshot during the race showing how close it was. The whole time I was letting my game run, I was thinking it's really not worth this much effort. Sorry Sanjeev! If you are on the forum, I should have let you win and maybe you would have gotten the rewards. 😬

On the bright side, I can bring out my handy dandy gif for myself.



  • Crimson_Dawn
    Crimson_Dawn Posts: 2,741
    Hey, @Khaos! I'm not 100% sure, but I would say you have to collect it before the next event starts. Sorry this happened to you!
  • Khaos
    Khaos Posts: 523
    Thanks @Crimson_Dawn. It's the second time this month it's happened. 
  • Crimson_Dawn
    Crimson_Dawn Posts: 2,741
    If nothing else, you got an opportunity to use that GIF, @Khaos!😂
  • Khaos
    Khaos Posts: 523
    Lol... That's true @Crimson_Dawn! Love that gif! 😄
  • Khaos
    Khaos Posts: 523
    Obviously I haven't seen the code for the game, but it couldn't be that difficult to make a new class called won or something to separate it from the events so the players can get the rewards when we want them. This is something the players have been complaining about and yes I have voted on it in the ideas section. 
  • Crimson_Dawn
    Crimson_Dawn Posts: 2,741
    That sounds like a great idea!
  • Khaos
    Khaos Posts: 523
    Thanks @Crimson_Dawn! 😎
  • Khaos
    Khaos Posts: 523
    @Jelly Jenny @firebombmarkus do you know if every event is linked together? I would really like to know the time frame for getting the rewards for winning the Dexter space race. It's been before the next space race starts for me. When I loaded the app Wednesday afternoon,  the star chaser event was there. Usually events start for me at 10 am Eastern Standard Time in the US. If that's the case, it only gives you a couple of hours after you wake up to get it if you are in the Wednesday club wanting to use the 6 hours of boosters. This last Dexter's space race for my group was for nothing. Sanjeev and I worked hard competing. At least look up this person's account and award them. I'm really angry about this. I wouldn't be so mad if it didn't take running this game on a holiday weekend for me.
  • Jelly_Jenny
    Jelly_Jenny Posts: 1,884
    Hi @Khaos

    I'm not totally sure if I understood the issue exactly, but I can tell you that if you are entitled to get a reward from Dexter's challenge, the first time you login you will receive a pop up with your result and the reward. This will happen even if there is the new Dexter challenge is already running. 

    The new dexter will not start running until you have collected the required initial candies (eg. 20 green candies). 

  • Khaos
    Khaos Posts: 523
    @Jelly Jenny I won the space race with over 42,000 color bombs. I was playing Mon morning when it ends and the I won popped up before I could get a screenshot of the results. I closed the game as I usually do without clicking to get the rewards. It always popped back up on Wednesday when I loaded the game. This week it did not pop up Wednesday. The space race was gone from my events tab and a star chaser event was there. I have already been given my one time of getting the rewards 4 weeks ago when it happened. It happened again 2 weeks later because my daughter was in the hospital Wednesday and I didn't get to play until Saturday that week. Customer service said congrats on your new granddaughter and gave me a few hours of the color bombs and striped/packaged candy and not the boosters. So I know I will get nothing for this space race. So, I would like to know the time frame from the time of winning the race until you can't get the rewards anymore. I'm tired of putting forth the effort to win if I repeatedly can't get the rewards. 

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?